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IT'S TIME FOR ONE OF MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF BABYLON 5 as Sheridan faces the insidiousness of the system as he's tortured by a man who claims to just be a simple cog in the machine as the Jumpgate podcast continues!


Jumpgate #85 - Intersections in Real Time

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 4, Episode 18, Intersections in Real Time - Following his capture, Sheridan faces interogation and pressure to publicly confess his "crimes." That's actually it, that's the whole episode. And it's glorious.


Becky Sparks

I'm s little surprised that neither you nor Vera mentioned any Prisoner-ish vibes with this episode. I watched The Prisoner for the first time when you two did that podcast, and this whole episode reads a little differently to me now.

Joshua Gizelt

Okay, so this has nothing to do with anything but a throw-away joke in the pod, but… When I was in New Delhi, I did try a yak butter coffee. I found it kind of vile. It's literally the one thing I had when I was in India that I didn't like. (also: drama all one room, how about all in one shot — Alfred Hitchcock's Rope, inspired by the Leopold/Leob murder; Hitch attempted to cover up most of the reel changes by having people walk past the camera, etc.)