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Still doing well here! Everything is fine physically and mentally and whatnot ^w^
As far as the absence goes, though: I've just been head down, working on the animated short that I posted storyboards for here a while back

I've picked out a small section to finish fully animating/cleaning up, and refuse to work on anything else until it's done. I want to prove to myself that I'm actually capable of taking on more ambitious projects like this, and also have some SFW art that I can be proud of. My friends and parents frequently ask about my drawings, and it hurts not being able to share any of my work with them.

I'm sorry for being gone for so long, but I need to be gone a little while longer while I finish this.. And I'll be pausing the page's billing as well for the time being, so no one will be charged, and no new Patrons can join. I feel really guilty about the newer pledges since I've been so quiet around here lol... So please do not sign up at this time ;-;

But yeah—I'll be back as soon as I can!!! Just need to kick this thing's butt first so we can start the year off right >:T




Murray Crofts

really missing you ;w; cmon back soon. no rush. but ye ;w; hope your doing ok,


Take your time, animation shouldn't be rushed


Glad to hear that you're still going strong, keep up the good work!