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I'm sure you all know the Plucknix Special™ by now where I pause billing and then grind in silence for like three weeks, so yeah let's just get into the art here ^^

Storyboards and scripts are all done and have been sent off to Jackie, but I'm admittedly having trouble finding a dedicated VA for Mabby. And given the nature of this project, I can't actually begin animating any of Mabby's sequences since they predominantly revolve around lip sync, and I have no audio to sync them to lol... So we're at a bit of a bottleneck there for the time being

I'll continue listening through voice demos and sending out emails and such to try and find someone!! But yeah; most VA's I know don't really do cutesy/higher pitched voices, or just don't seem to be as interested in voicing Mabby as my other characters haha... So it's proving to be somewhat difficult TuT

In the meantime, though, I hope you all can get some enjoyment out of these little doodles :D




Very nice progress and I love the doodles. I hope you'll have some good luck finding voice actors and anything else you need. Have fun and take care! 😄


Sorry you can't find any VAs for Mabby, hope you find one soon. Loving the Mabby fingering Holly as well as her groping Holly's voluptuous booty. Can't wait to see some cool stuff from you this summer! :D


Thank you!! I'm sure everything will work out, and I'll have a fun little animation for all of you when everything is done ^w^


I'll find someone eventually, I'm sure c: And thank you!! Can't wait to have this and more finished up for you all, too! :)