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Bunch of random stuff here, but mostly boards for the upcoming short I'm working on with Holly, Mabby, and Penny. Really tired of saying I'm gonna make this thing and then not doing it, so I'm just gonna do it

But because these projects are SFW, billing will be paused for the time being, since I know that's not what most people are here for. I might take breaks in between working to put out some regular pieces, but the short will likely be my main focus until it's finished... Which may be a while. It'll be posted on a new account that's specifically for SFW stuff, so I'll be preparing some smaller GIFs to post there as well so we have a little portfolio built up beforehand (hence the Kirby)

But yeah! I'm very excited to finally be making this ^w^ But also very tired because it's so much work lol x-x

I'm sorry to those of you who are only here for NSFW stuff, and sorry that I'm so inconsistent with updates... I'm honestly still not entirely sure what I'm doing here

But making these animations takes so much out of me, and it really kills my morale sometimes knowing that I'm unable to show them to so many people (including my family) because they're all hentai...
I also often wonder if I'm actually any good at what I do, or if people just like my characters because I draw them naked. So if I pour all of my soul into this thing and it completely flops, then at least I will have my answer

And thank you all for your support, even if you only stay a short while. I really do appreciate you guys showing up here



Deep Chasm

Damn, these wips look great. I'm genuinely interested in what this will be.


I'm sorry you're feeling so much stress from all your work and other things. I hope things will lighten up for you soon. While granted I did find you because of a nsfw post originally I really enjoy all the work you do and I love your art style and character's. I think it's really unique and you're always so colorful! I wish more than anything though that you will do what you enjoy and what makes you happy and I am just as happy to support you in that! I know it's a lot coming from a stranger but I wish the best for you! I'm very excited to see any and all of your upcoming projects and I hope it will be more of a relaxed and fun experience for you as you work on them. I'd hate to see you stress out so much so please take it easy as much as you can!

Jasper B

I found you from the wedgie posts on deviantart, but I do like ur unique art style regardless, safe or not I always like seeing your work, and I’m not the only one, keep at it as long as u enjoy it!😁


I say everyone deserves some sort of mental break or vacation from what they normally do. If working on some SFW helps you out, then I don't mind. I'm excited to see how the short turns out!


Your style is unique to you and your animations and art are both seamless. Ngl they do appeal to me because of the content but honestly I didn't even come here for the nudity, just wedgies (and maybe a spanking) (:


Honestly a series of snippets like the last one would be cool. Maybe pencil in her legs and waist but yeah that would be abstract and a lot less time consuming. 😁


Not gonna lie in the slightest, I first found you cuz of hentai, and the only reason I actually subscribed is cuz I liked how the animations were, and well I liked everything porn or not so far no reason I won’t like this