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Sorry I've been absent lately. Recently, a couple relatives of mine have passed away. Although I wasn't super close with them, it's still been a lot to take in, and has caused some issues with living situations and such that my family has been dealing with over the past couple weeks

I wanted to post about it sooner, but honestly I always feel ashamed making posts or being active in the Discord server when I don't have any art to share, so I often refrain from doing so... But I didn't realize I would be gone for so long x-x

But yeah

Billing for the current cycle has been paused, and I'll try to get back on schedule when I can. Here are some thingies I've been working on in the meantime

I hope you all are doing well, otherwise ^^




You have my condolences. Never feel bad for taking some time


I'm sorry for your losses. You take all the time you need to recoup and feel better please. No need to apologize


Yeah, take the time you need and be more sociable if you want. Positive vibes~ 💜

Al Wukong

Don't feel bad about wanting to chat or share details when u don't have art to share We all enjoy ur art and animations but we all know its not the only thing going on in your life. Take time do what ya need to do everyone will still be around


Hope everything gets smoothed out over there, its been a chaotic start of 2022. Best of luck and health Plucknix!


:) we're here for you. On another note, that last picture. 😵‍💫