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Hi! Sorry for the absence; just been super busy working and thinking about lots of stuff

The animation for Holly's voice reveal ended up taking waaayyy way longer than I expected, especially since I'm having to learn an entirely new software to animate it, so that put me behind on everything else quite a bit

Been getting a lot done, though! But yeah I need some time to catch up again, so you all know the drill: the upcoming billing cycle has been paused, meaning none of you will be charged on the 1st of next month.

I think I'm gonna start doing some simpler projects from now on, just so this doesn't keep happening lol... Maybe like some little comics and junk instead of just constant animations all the time? I dunno! We'll see c:



Jasper B

I see the idea of comics is starting to grow on ya (if u remember I even said that😆), I’d love to see that!👍


Mmhmm, I do remember!!! Never really tried them before haha, but hopefully we can come up with some fun stuff ^w^