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Hello!! Hi!!! ^w^

Sorry about no updates for a bit! I got really sick for a while, then started to get better, then got really sick again and accidentally almost died from like, going into shock from dehydration or something I think? WHOOPS

BUT ANYWAY! Feeling better now (and drinking more fluids)!! I'm fired up!! I'm ready to GO!!!! So I've been animating a lot on several smaller projects! I wanted to work on these more before posting, but I'll be out of town during Anime Matsuri for the next several days, so I figure might as well post them now :3

So yeah! I'll continue working on these as soon as I'm back, and share the results as soon as I'm back :D Hope you all have been well!!!




Lots of nice looking stuff in the works~ Stay healthy, keep up the good work. 💜


Get well soon, I’d love to hear more voice acting along with sfx for future animations heh


Thank you! And mmmhmm! I’ll be looking to make more of those soon, hopefully c:

Helg Blau

Please take care of yourself