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Short and Sweet:

Due to various issues, the planned project to follow Change Ring won't proceed. The Change Ring continuation will start when the artist is available to work on it. Per the pinned poll, the majority of supporters would like to see more adapations. So please comment down below what work you'd like to see a comic adapation of. I'll gather the suggestions on this post into a formal poll for people to vote on, and then work on producing a comic based on the winner.

A side project will start tomorrow, details to come.

Full details:

Unfortunately, multiple unforseen issues have popped up since I launched this page making organisation for it significantly harder. I unexpectedly lost my Job last month which means I can't personally consistently cover any costs required until I get another one. My original plan was to organise two projects at once when I suspect one might not work out, if one didn't pan out for whatever reason, the other would be running instead. If both worked out, I would cover the costs of the second one myself, thereby keeping a consistent flow of comics running but that relies on me having a job which allows that.

For a while I've not had confidence in the artist I was working with on a comic that was planned to start after Change Ring finished. I spoke to them at length and agreed monthly targets and such per what they said was fesiable for them. A deadline they set was last month which was not met. They have since ignored my follow up attempts. This has sadly been a regular issue with them continuously blowing me off by making promises, setting their own deadlines and targets and then not delivering anything and not contacting me at all. So long story short, I'm not working with them any further. 

In response, I ran the poll the other day and after the poll overwhelmingly voted for a continuation, I spoke to the artist. They're happy to draw another part but they would like to take a break to focus on other commissions for the time being. They aren't personally interested in TSF so this isn't surprising but they'll happily work with me on a continuation later. A side project is planned to start tomorrow but it'll be released irregularly, more details to come. 

Until then, I'll try produce something else. It's eariler than I was planning but we'll run a supporters poll to decide what will be the next project. Per the pinned poll, the majority of supporters would like to see more adapations. So please comment down below what work you'd like to see a comic adapation of. I'll gather the suggestions on this post into a formal poll for people to vote on, and then work on producing a comic based on the winner. 

I had wished to have written various original stories/doujinshi scripts to include in the first supporters poll but most of them aren't ready yet, I will include the Lisa X Aether Body Swap Doujinshi in the final poll as an alternative option to the adaptations.


Kawaii Tsun'aho Comics (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-04-08 22:15:19 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?
2024-03-12 16:46:35 What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?

What work you'd like to see a comic adapation of?