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The room fell into silence as the night gave way to the dawning day, and the first rays of sunlight streamed in through the window. A bandaged figure gazed at another person's missing arm, severed at the elbow, with nothing left but a pitiful stump. However, in his vision, there was something more there, a blue phantom of the missing limb.

‘Is the mana storing what was once his hand?’

As Roland contemplated, his eyes flashed with a blue hue. He employed the same skill he used to predict his enemies' movements, but this time, to his astonishment, it provided him with unique insights into this world. It was the first instance of him using this ability on a person with a missing limb, and it unveiled something intriguing. Although Bernir's arm was missing, the mana that reflected his body portrayed the limb as a complete, bluish phantom.

‘Does mana also store a person’s information like some sort of storage device? Is this perhaps how divine healing spells can work?’

He wasn't entirely certain about this theory, but it seemed to make sense in his mind. There were divine spells capable of restoring limbs, but their mechanisms remained a mystery. Initially, he had assumed they used a person's DNA to reconstruct the limb to its original form, but perhaps there was an entirely different method at play. If the mana within a person stored all of their information, it would provide an alternative explanation.

Two main types of healing spells and potions existed. The first type amplified a person's regenerative abilities to aid in wound recovery. Some monsters could restore limbs and even brain matter, representing one variation of this type. The second type consisted of divine spells that could magically revert an injured person to a previous state. As he examined the mana phantom, he contemplated the possibility that this state might be stored within mana itself.

This idea was a novel concept to him, as he had previously thought of mana as more of an energy source that circulated throughout the world. It was a resource that appeared on almost all living beings' status screens and was consumed when casting spells. The notion that mana might possess storage capabilities could open up new avenues for his research, particularly in the field of prosthetics.

Magical prosthetics were not a novel concept in this world; however, they were typically only accessible to magic casters. These prosthetics relied on a person's ability to manipulate mana and could only be operated by individuals who could use magic. Such individuals were not really using their lost limb, but rather replacing it with something akin to a mage hand. Over time, they became accustomed to moving the prosthetic as though it were a natural extension of themselves. For regular individuals, replicating this feat was impossible.

This new discovery offered a glimmer of hope in Bernir's situation and opened up the possibility of developing prosthetics for individuals who couldn't manipulate mana. If the information for the lost hand was stored within the mana itself, it might be feasible to connect that data to a replacement arm. While this endeavor would require extensive research and development, it held the potential to create a device that could replicate the functions of the lost hand and even restore the sensation of touch.

This revelation ignited a spark of inspiration within Roland and gave him some hope. However, there were some glaring problems with all of the theories that were rushing inside of his brain. He realized that the theory he had stumbled upon might not be a new discovery and that other mages could have attempted it before, possibly without success. Bernir was not the only non-mage that required a replacement limb, it seemed like a lucrative endeavor which meant that this feat would not be an easy one.

“Uhhh… Is that you boss?”

“Ah? Are you awake?”


Roland snapped out of his thoughts upon noticing that Bernir had finally regained consciousness. His wife, Dyana, was outside the room, taking a break from watching over him. Roland's first instinct was to call her back in, as she was likely anxiously waiting for her husband to wake up.

“I should probably call Dyana over, she just went outside. I'm sure she'd want to know that her husband has woken up.”


However, before he could turn to leave the room, Bernir made an attempt to sit up. There was a problem, though - due to his missing right arm, the attempt was awkward. He tried to push himself up as if his missing limb was still there but ended up falling back onto the bed. As he looked at the missing part, he began to recall that day's events.

“Aye... that's right, me right arm... that monster took it…”

“Yeah… I’m sorry, It’s because of me if you didn’t go back…”

Bernir saved Roland’s life by bringing out the experimental rail cannon but also suffered for it dearly. If he had just retreated back through the escape tunnel, his arm would be still intact but on the other hand, Roland’s might have not been here.

“Nah, I made a decision, now I have to live with it and I’d do the same thing if I … uhg…”

As Roland replied, he let out a weak chuckle, but soon his laughter turned into labored panting. The divine energy had healed his injuries and restored his bones and organs, but the debuffing effects still lingered, making his body weak and in pain. He knew that recovery would take some time, and Bernir needed to be patient until his health was restored.

“It’s going to take some time before that cursed energy leaves your body, just rest.”

“Aye, that might be a good idea…”

Soon he was drifting back off to sleep with his breathing becoming more regulated. Without being able to do much he decided to just visit the other patients instead. Both Armand and Lobelia were here as well, with only the guild master missing. Considering that he had the highest level it wasn’t strange that he had woken up the fastest and gone on his way.

‘I wonder what he did with my axe…’

Roland made his way over to Armand's bedside and observed the arrangement of the patients. It was clear that all the people he knew were placed together, and there didn't seem to be any outsiders among them. It was evident that the church was giving them preferential treatment or keeping them under close surveillance. Given their involvement in the encounter with the cultists, it made sense that they were being closely watched and treated by the church. There was also one empty bed that had the residual mana signature of his favorite baldy to confirm his theory.

‘How did that baldy leave though? Did he talk himself out of it?’

The absence of the guild master indicated that he had been allowed to leave, possibly after being interrogated and determined not to be a significant threat. Since some time had passed since the incident, this seemed like the most likely scenario. It also brought a problem to the forefront, he had not really been interrogated yet and he was not sure how it would turn out.

It was concerning that his pendant, which he had worn since Edelgard, was missing. It had been destroyed along with his armor, which also had a similar masking enchantment on it. Although he could potentially create new runes on metallic objects that were here, it was not necessary anymore. During his treatment, the church personnel likely had enough time to inspect his status screen, possibly discovering his real name and true class, Runesmith Overlord.

‘It might be unwise to lie to the church, I have no idea what they might do and also…’

The absence of Agni from the room was noticeable, but the fact that Elodia wasn't in distress likely meant that their canine companion was safe. Roland would have to inquire about Agni's whereabouts later when he had a chance to speak with his wife or other individuals in the room.

‘I still have some things that I can bargain with, so not everything is lost…’

While pacing around this clinic room he continued to think about the future. There were several problems that wouldn’t allow him to continue with his life as before. First off, the cultists had launched an attack on his home and were clearly aware of his existence. There was a possibility that they knew about his secrets and how he was able to disable their relic.

On the other hand, the fact that a week had passed without any direct retaliation from the cultists suggested that they might not be fully aware of his capabilities. Previously they launched a full assault to destroy the captured monolith just to safeguard their secrets. History usually repeated itself, if they knew about what transpired here they should have acted sooner.

‘Could they be afraid of the golden order? Could there be another attack?’

He continued to pose those questions while going back to the bed he previously occupied. As he glanced through the windows, he could see numerous knights and soldiers patrolling the area. This location was within the city, making it a challenging target for any hostile takeover. Unlike the situation in the other city, the cultists here lacked abominations and thralls to obstruct the city guard.

Nonetheless, he had to be ready for any situation, including the chance that they might discover his abilities in the future. Even if they weren't aware of his true potential at the moment, it was evident that their cult members had been deployed in this region once more. They would undoubtedly attempt to unravel the mystery and would eventually dispatch someone to investigate. This location had already become a hazardous area for anyone connected to this incident.

‘My best bet would be to push everything onto the Golden Order but will that be enough?’

Engaging with the Church of Solaria could indeed be a strategic move in safeguarding his home and loved ones. Their opposition to the cultists made them a potential ally in the fight against this common threat. Roland needed to find a way to establish communication and build trust with the church, all while being cautious about revealing too much about his own abilities and knowledge. It would be a delicate balancing act, but it might be the key to securing his future and protecting those he cared about.

Even if the church had chosen to protect him, it wasn't sufficient. He had erroneously assumed that reaching tier 3 would guarantee his safety. However, after his encounter with the Eldritch Horror, it became evident that there were forces beyond his comprehension. It was not a challenge that he could simply overcome by leveling up and isolating himself in an endless dungeon grind. He required additional assistance and access to advanced runic technology.

There were various paths to explore, but first, he needed to initiate a discussion with the Golden Order. Everything depended on these potential allies and the value he could offer them. His primary bargaining tool would be his ability to disable the cultists' illusory devices, an ability that he had mostly mastered now. Before sharing this knowledge, he had to negotiate some sort of agreement that would, at least temporarily, keep them bound to Albrook.

“We’re back.”

His contemplations were interrupted by Elodia and Dyana that finally returned from their small break. The dedication of Elodia and Dyana to their husbands' well-being was evident, due to their bags under the eyes. It was a reminder that Roland was not alone in facing the challenges ahead and also gave him the fuel to push on with his current plan. He would find a way to get himself free of these cultists by being more proactive.

“Welcome back, oh Bernir woke up for a moment, I think he is getting better.”

“He did?”

He quickly gave Dyana that good news and watched her take off. Elodia, who was the one holding the child, smiled. Soon the two heard her sobbing slightly and Bernir trying to sooth her instead. Both Armand and Lobelia also soon awoke to share their own tale of being flung into several trees and having their bones broken. The only person who escaped from the entire predicament mostly unscathed was Elodia, who took it upon herself to tend to everyone's needs.

As everyone started to recover, Roland inquired about the events that occurred after he had blacked out. The only person who witnessed everything unfold was Elodia, and she painted a detailed picture of the events without leaving anything out. She started out at the exact end of the encounter where a group of Solarian knights rushed in to discover Agni.

The form of the Sunlight variant was quite distracting, and Elodia was surprised by how quickly the Solarian knights started to back away. It seemed as if they were afraid to touch the growling wolf who was protecting the passed-out Bernir and Roland. It was only after the soldiers from the city, along with Arthur, appeared a few minutes later that the tension cleared up.

With their arrival and Elodia's ability to calm Agni down, the two could receive immediate aid from the clerics gathered there. Sister Kassia was present as she had taken part in the monster subjugation. Once their lives were no longer in danger, everyone was rushed into the city, and the entirety of Roland’s home had been seized by the Church. As per usual protocol, they needed to search for any cultist survivors and potential future danger.

Arthur, who was the lord of this land, would typically have all the rights to lock down the place without the church's involvement. Unfortunately, when evil cultists were involved, not even a noble could do anything about it. By royal decree, they were allowed to take charge whenever evil forces were involved. This was one of the reasons that the Inquisition was feared, as not even nobles could fully oppose them.

It was clear that the Church of Solaria had taken swift and thorough action to secure the area and ensure that no remnants of the cultists remained. While he didn’t like the fact that a foreign force was patrolling his home this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. With a higher concentration of their focus there, it was less likely for a new wave of attacks to occur.

“So, where is Agni?”

“He actually remained back, I told him to protect our home until we return. Don’t worry about him, these paladins have a strange reverence for him. I think they see him as some sort of holy beast.”

“They do? Hm…”

The story soon came to an end and he was left with more questions. The reason for Agni not being here was that he was left back at the compound to protect it. He was not sure to what extent they worshiped his canine companion but this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. At least they didn’t seem fixated at forcing him anywhere which potentially gave him a new bargaining chip.

With all the information now gathered he needed to prepare. He couldn't afford to reveal too much too soon. He needed to play his cards carefully, especially when it came to dealing with an organization as powerful and enigmatic as the Church of Solaria. They held most of the power here and could potentially attempt to force everything out of him. Luckily this new revelation about Agni could provide him with a buffer as he was linked to the holy beast that the church worshiped.

“Are you sure that you are fine? You’ve been spacing out for a while now… Maybe you should get some sleep?”

“Oh? No, I’m fine, I’m just thinking about some things…”

“If I can help with anything then…”

“I know…”

Roland smiled, and for a moment, he just focused on his new wife. For a moment, he was scared that he would never see her again. Many people would not be able to endure such a traumatic event, but there she was, offering her support to him without even asking for anything in return. It just confirmed the fact that he made the right decision by asking for her hand.

“I appreciate your concern. I'll be alright, it's just a lot to process but I’ll get through this like I always did.”

“I know but… what do you mean by you? Didn’t you mean we?”

Elodia’s eyebrows furrowed and she seemed to be pouting slightly.

“Ah sorry, I guess… I’m still not used to this.”

With a gentle smile, she leaned in and gave him a warm kiss. It was a moment of solace amidst the chaos that had unfolded in their lives. The two of them had faced adversity, but their bond had only grown stronger. Now they just needed to do the same and face the next hurdle together.


Kris Roberts

Thank you for a very interesting chapter.


I’m very curious how his talk with the church will go and what his plans will be now that he realises that tier 3 isn’t enough to protect himself and his family.


Thanks for the nice chapter 😊


So, one enemy is gone, and now another evil cult on the Horizen ready to take over everything from Roland. Yes I mean the Sunlight cult. Different element, different agendas, but still a threat to Roland.


Exoskeleton based soldiers!! Archers->Rifleman. Melee based infantry are now powersuited! ExoInfantry! Now appearing are the Albrook Argonauts! -cue terminator looking exosoldiers-


Well he's already stipulated that humanoid forms are vastly more complex to produce and actuate due to the complexity of the joints. I think he just hasn't had the time to devote to it. I mean the golem for the dungeon were on like batch 3 of his creations.

Kyle Park

Congrats on Chapter 400! Needs to upgrade his golem forces. Take some notes from the CIS from Starwars. Add some variety to his droid/golem forces. He only has spider droids and turrets. Either stick to the bug/animal theme or start adding some humanoids. I always loved the IG-Megnagaurds or assassin droids looks.

Random Information

After the name of this chapter, I'm anticipating that the next will be titled "Attack of the Clo" :-)

avery foster

elodia is now a noble through marriage. helped do decent damage to a tier 4 as a non combat class tier 2. and is going to get a decent amount of exp even if its being split up a lot. the cannon probably did enough to get her a good amount for a tier 2 person. even if she still has a non combat class i hope at bare minimum she gets a good prestige class when it is time so she is not just wife who runs his store and has a bit more ability to support her husband


Roland needs to realize that the Inquisition let the cultists do as they pleased and were fallowing them to find out what they were after. Letting the cult do a reading where their relic was destroyed to fallow them is bullshit. Granted Roland doesn't know about the reading but that many tier 3's appearing out of nowhere. I doubt they'll own up to it, but it be great if they implied this wasn't their fault and just happen to be in the area. Then Roland cand ask Loreena (Female Knight) to call her grandfather Bartholomew over to get a refund on his anonymity reward.

Ryuzaki 7101719

Hell I would not put it pass that old geezer I put money on it that he wants Roland and will use this opportunity to bring me to the fold I think he throw in Loreena as the noble wife just so he has someone to keep an eye on him and I bet you he wants to do it also for s**** and giggles so he can mess with Roland's Dad as a relative. It's too tempting for him and you know Kuropan got plans for Loreena just by the way he wrote her chapters. Very juicy 🤤 Drama and solution for Roland's predicament

Ryuzaki 7101719

P.s I also kinda hate it that after a big event like the Lich arc and Become the Knight commander that there is no edgy in Roland's life it's just hay this is the new status quo here we all know that the The cult and Roland's status has the sword of Damocles for a while now and it's been in the back of are minds for a while now and this is the closest we've been for it to be falling on his neck. I'm just saying it's just been too cushy for Roland lately despite reason events. Loreena being in Roland's life might be that hairline edgy we need to stirrup drama and put stress on Roland she's just that unpredictable and scary enough to make Roland squamous. I'm like everyone else here waiting for these negotiations to happen sure I don't mind if we put off the status thing again it will be worth its own ark and while it might seem perfect to plugged it in now I think it would be better for later Roland needs a new suit of armor, more level ups, runic knowledge and making upgrades to the city. It time for a F-ing electric runic⚡ train 🚂 man we can add cars and motorcycles too but not before Bernir's arm plus runic tanks. And we got to Deal with Arthur's house before Roland's house then the cult will be last. I mean you can do those all of those arcs in one bundled package but there's a lot of contents to go though for it to be satisfying and it's not like you can't put a non-cult war Arc in there in-between and stretch it out Roland is a knight commander and might be called into war hell the cult can be playing in the background and I think in the middle of a war arc it's is kind of the most appropriate place to do Roland status ark as part of the aftermath. Damn I just remembered we need a new Cult Villain to build up we just loss all of our cult villains. I totally thought the necromancer was going to get away but that that foxgirl save was just so epic and satisfying. While I think this is definitely the climax of Roland's I kind of like the pace we're on so there's no need to rush plus we need that church politics man we know so little. Plus there's a lot of interesting places we haven't gone through and call backs yet like the mega dungeon, the capital; we know nothing about the king or the family drama(will there be a civil war or Court politics shenanigans as cliche as this is for fantasy stories it's cliche for a reason it's entertaining especially for Roland who just doesn't want anything to do with it) and other countries I almost forgot about the elf princess Roland saved form slavery, plus the gnome Roland's ex boss, that girl back when Roland was just a blacksmith and his first adventuring party. I mean we are more likely to see Ice Witch again.


I entirely expect exo classes to start appearing considering other classes we've learned of based on other equipment


Another thing to keep in mind here, the reason why there are no infected or thralls in this city is because of those divine radiation devices Roland constructed and are currently positioned in every gate-house in the city. The paladins were able to sense the divine energy all over the compound, I bet they can also sense it at the gate houses and have most likely already asked Arthur about it. So, yeah. One more reason Roland shouldn't hold much back in terms of information. He did make those devices to be fueled by the divine crystals, so he's probably a bit more safe on that front. He can easily say he's been stocking up on those things just for days like this.