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Tried sending one large group notification instead of the email ones that are automatic whenever I update the tiers. 

Would like to know if you guys prefer this over the old method as I've seen people complain about the e-mail spam it produces.



For the ones that dont want any, I believe you can deactivate them.


Think there is a notification option in settings, but not sure as I'm a creator.


There is a way to send emails to tiers that have a chapter unlock and for only that chapter instead of lower tiers. just gotta work out how.


Also I got the email for chap 117 and that's not my tier I assume it was more a general message about a new chap is out so everyone gets a new chap?


Yes there is. Go to Settings, then notifications settings and it lets you select wich kind of notification you want from each creator you follow


I’m happy with the old or the new method ✌🏻


Its good if 3 emails is reduced to 1, but please link the chapters in the mail


yes, it was one general notification that chappies were unlocked and a new one came out.


All that did was force me to block emails directly too. I don't need notifications for updates, only for status changes and other issues you need people to know about.


Notifications are silly imho, I check patreon quite often.