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Update #1 -sketch

Heyo lewd crew! I finally decided on a pose in pretty happy with after much head bashing into my tablet. So from here should be pretty smooth sailing~

Gonna try to get this Boi out this weekend, so expect updates! Until then!

Update #2 -lines

Hmmm, Solus seems somewhat...different, huhuhu~

Update # final~

It was like an echo, a brief moment in the infinite idea of existence that he felt at once himself and at the same time, someone else. He looked upon the small jewel in his grip, the unfamiliar hand holding it with infinite gentle fondness. Perhaps this was right? Was it the size? The view of the world before him? The ability to hold such priceless life which he could easily snuff out with but a simple squeeze, and yet refuse to do so?  What was it that felt so very familiar, so very warm, comforting even?

The thought had gone as quick as it came to him, and he remembered the reasoning for his current state. His mind returned to his normal state of mind, and he smiled warmly. There was much to do, and whole lot of people he needed to embiggen~

"The year of the dragon eh? Well, I'll just have to make it a grand ol' time for everyone, huhuhu~"


And with that dear lewd crew, this month's character poll art has been concluded!  It was quite fun messing with the more draconic form of Solus, and likely will need to go back and slim this boi down to a more standardized form for future works.  He doesn't take the form often, in truth he isn't actually sure how he knew he could transform into said form. All he knows is that in his heart of hearts, is that it feels like home.

Happy New Years~



Basil Swift

everyone turns into immobilized muscle meat balls ;3


wont lie i kinda hoped seeing him abit more of a immobile meat ball kinda like he tried growing like he always does and went too far. BUT i love the style non the less!