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Link huffed, barely able to scramble together a coherent thought as he gasped his growing Master Sword. He had been tricked he knew, though the details of how and why were beyond his current care. His body was on fire, its raw power barely seemed able to be contained by his growing and straining form. His mind desperately tried to claw together his mission, his goal. It was Zelda wasn't it? Or was it someone else? His throbbing member gave him an answer he could at least deal with, and so he continued pawing at it as it continued spraying the nearby walls with each touch. His beans were so soft, they stimulated him so much more hand his hylian  hands ever did. As he stroked and pawed he saw with a growing delight that his member had grown another foot, and he chuckled as he heard a growl coming from his equally swelling rupees.

It all felt so wonderful, he needed someone, anyone to share this with. He wasn't sure quite why but a faint part of him seemed to rebel at the thought, though it was gone in a moment with another sudden burst of growth. He was so large now, his member near slapped him in the face, was it so big now he could...yes, that would do for a while, but he would want more soon enough, and the thought excited him, as he hugged his member to his swollen chest, and gently wrapped his muzzle around it.


Update 3 - Final!

I swear I hate myself at times doing up these backgrounds. But I feel the effort is often worth it, even if it leaves me very drained. That said this boi is done and up methinks! Thanks all very kindly for your patience this month, and I hope you enjoy this final result, as I have enjoyed drawing it~

Update 2 - Lines and Flats!

Was on a roll today, so managed to get this by all colored on up~

Think he's looking proper, though I must say he's got quite the tricky color patterns!

Update #1 - Rough Sketch!
Heyo folks!

Sorry for the delay, work and life and all that! But fear not for I have not forgotten about my solemn duty to make lewds each month, and this month is no exception!

I have started the rough sketch here, and I must say I do enjoy how it is shaping up already. Hopefully will be able to live up to the idea in my mind. That said Ill see if I can get this all lined up soon, and share with you then~
