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"Use this unknown ingredient she said, what's the worst that can happen she said..."
Plague Knight said as he swayed about, unable to stop his body's new mass from jiggling and making him feel more self-conscious than usual.

"This body can happen! I look ridiculous!"

He could tell Mona was enjoying it at least by the way she kept looking at him, and while he enjoyed her company, especially after all the two had been through lately, he didn't exactly enjoy the...hunger that seemed to be in those eyes. Those lovely...


"Oh no."

He could deal with his new looks, the clothes, his hips, he could even deal with his now rather plush bottom, but of all the magically blasted changes he now possessed, he did not need nor want his now very unstable, uh, "Alchemical bits". They seemed to be in a constant state of flux; they were small one moment, then pinning him to the ground the next, but they always felt so...sensitive. They wanted his attention, but blast it he had work he wanted to do! Those potions were not going to craft themselves! But how could he brew any potion when his loins were brewing up their own!? It was a nightmare, a unfair and throbbing nightmare, which currently was looking to be an especially large one! At least Mona was-

"Plaaaaaaaaaaaguey~"  said a familiar, lovely, and all too inconveniently timed voice, "Did you need some help with your...potion making?"

He turned around to see Mona, lovely ever so lovely Mona, looming over him, that hungry look in her eyes now overshadowed by her equally hungry smile. She had a potion in her hand, recently downed. He wasn't familiar with it, but the Heart shaped icon on it had him worried all the same.  He wanted to tell her no, clearly, this wasn't the time to be messing around while his body was still an alchemical mess. He had to put his foot down sadly.

"Y-yes." He squeaked, flinching with surprise as the word left his mouth.

Mona pounced at him, not allowing him a chance to change his mind.


Heya gang!

Just wanted to get this post made and start updating as I am able to. Will likely get this one wrapped up over the weekend!

Update Final ! - Flats and Full render!

Sorry about the delay on this one went down to the wire more than I liked, can blame that on how long the vote went for lol. Regardless, here is the final product, along with a few alts for folks who may appreciate some different sizes -w-

Thanks for your patience on this all, and as always thank you very kindly for your votes!

See you in the next one!

Update 2 - Lines!

Flowy dresses surprisingly hard to draw! As mentioned before there going to be alts, so dont mind Plaguey's petite knighthood, just needed a base to work from eh?

Update 1 - Rough Sketch!

There likely will be an alt or two, or maybe a follow up image, Undecided, but I really do like these two.




Plagy and Mona are much too precious for this world. Also I do salute the smaller hyper level. The super huge sizes you usually do don't quite work for a little goblin like him


Heh. Short boio gonna have a good time >:3