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Ah, this reminds me how I got started with lewds. Doing ol cringy fetish fan stories on DA and FA lol. Well time to revisit the ERG saga~

Update #1 Rough sketch

General idea I had for this one, may change things a bit still, but I like the feel of this

Update #2 Rough sketch #2

So I want him bigger. So bigger I made him. Getting this done this weekend since we have a nice 3 day weekend to do so~

Update #Final!

Alrighty, took the weekend to get this boi all done up proper! I also had a conversation with a friend on the final coloring of Tail's now quite large milk tanks, and what color feels good for em. After being indecisive, I just made a few alts. which do you like? No wrong answer, just a lot of balls :p
