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Update 1: Rough art pass
Hey all, so far I am looking for something like one of these 2 roughs. Trying to work in different angles for my art, gotta grow as an artist as much as I grow these characters. Which do you folks prefer? Will help me narrow down my focus.

Update 2: Added another rough, unsure what I want here. Trying to find a shape for this I enjoy proper.

Update 3: Sketch pass 1

Going with this pose, as I honestly think it is an interesting pose and also good practice, so win win eh? Going to do another pass before lineart proper, then on to flats! Likely will get this all done over the weekend, so stay tuned!

Update 4: Sketch pass 2 and Line Art

Alright folks, second pass helped refine this big boi and was able to get some nice clean lines done~ Gonna get the flats done next, and then get this all rendered out. Likely can get this all knocked out tomorrow time willing. Until then!

Update 5: Flats

Nice and simple flats before getting all them shadows and the extra Pink Soul markings.

Update 6: Final render

And here we are folks! Azzy got a bit too big for his britches (his room is next), and has found himself all hot and bothered but unable to release all the gradually building tension, among other things~

Luckily for him, his Bestie is there to save the day. The moment he can figure out a way in there, anyways. 

As always thank you all for voting and your ever continued support, it means allot right now. Got some comms coming down the pipeline and next months poll on the way, so see you all then!




The first one makes for an interesting perspective while the second is great for seeing all of Azzy's magnificent body in one view~


All three are good poses…