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Update 4: Final Render
And finished~
I think this one came out rather nicely I do. Hope you all enjoy the final results as much as I do~!
Thanks again for voting and participating in this months poll, and I look forward to next months choices!

Update 3: Flats
Almost done, just need to get all the shading in and this month's art will be concluded~

Update 2: Line art

Hey all, apologies for the small delay. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this one, so to keep things simple I went ahead and lined this up. Pretty content with it so far, though may do some modifications before getting started on the flats. Until then~

Update 1: Rough pass 1

Hey all, just wanted to share my first idea for our hyperfemboi. Went with the first game's outfit, which now makes me regret not asking which version of Klonoa you all would have preferred. As such, how we feeling about this costume? Woukd you all rather the second outfit, or perhaps something inspired by either version, similar to the Magical boy Ralsei I did some time back? Let me know in the comments! Also feel free to comment in general, always enjoy feedback!




Looking very good! I'd say he could have bigger sizes, but it's already great~ This costume looks very nice on him since it allows for his collar-belt to hold his shaft like that; I'm glad Klonoa won the poll, he looks so cute already!


I’m glad with either the magical boy outfit or this one, maybe change the gem a bit on the wind ring to a heart?