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Here is to the new year, may it be better than last year, and hopefully I will be as well.

That aside I have a busy week ahead, OT all week by the looks of it. So I will be doing the monthly poll likely next week. That said, I wanted to ask you all for poll ideas.

Reply with characters of games and shows and what have you that you would be interested in seeing all lewded up, and I shall look to add em to my list. Never hurts to have some variety ~

Also as it is the year of the Bunny, will likely do something for that here and there~

Regardless, Happy New years all, and until the next post!



Mmh for a bunny-like character I'd be interested to see Klonoa in the poll (even if he already was in previous polls I think) Happy new years!


I think more bunny themed characters like klonoa, bunny-link, white rabbit, Oswald the lucky rabbit…etc.