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Update 1
Okay, here is the general rough pass so far. General idea is the Boi getting a gift from his very good friend for the season. Nothing like an ugly sweater before Christmas~  

Got some tweaking to do still, not in love with Azzy's lower half, feels out of line, so will adjust as I go, but I like the base idea, so good there. Will be working some OT this week so art is going to be tight, but I am going to manage, also get off early on Friday, so I shall use the extra time to hopefully finish this one out before the holiday break. As with last round I will be updating this post going forwards with the lines and the like to keep things organized, and will make sure that you all get notified by each update. See you in the line update~

Update #2 Lines and Bkg

Happy Post holidays everyone. As you can see the two here are very excited to open some presents. Apologies for the delay on this, but I fell behind with visiting the family, and as a result, I missed the xmas mark. Apologies for that. That said I have finished up the lines for the front and background, and will get to making the flats. Will try to get this all finished tonight, and if not will be done tomorrow. Will post flats shortly, and then will get to wrapping this one up.

Update #3 flats 

Flats down, now to finish this sucker up! 

Final Update Shadows and lighting

Tried to go for soft lighting and shadows, as opposed to hard ones. Wanted to practice such things, though I am unsure If I am quite confident in my ability yet. Something to practice however. Thanks for your patience all on this one, and Im happy to get this done before the month was finished. Rather nice that.

Will be sending out next months poll next year, though as always if you all have any character ideas or suggestions, feel free to comment, I'm always open to new suggestions. 



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