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Alrighty then folks, mind the general roughness of these, as they are indeed just that, roughs lol. Just wanted to get a general idea of what I wanted to do. Blitzo messing with Stolas's magical book, and some shenanigans ensue. Nice and simple like. Likely do a 1-3 image sequence. Still iffy on my comic layouts, so sequences seem to be a better route fot me atm. Will be updating this post going forward to keep things organized.


Update 2! 

Decided to do a 3 page growth sequence for this one, as I like Stolas. Moving to lines next and will work on getting this out asap, holidays gunked up the schedule, so will likely start next months poll along side this. Apologies for the delays, this coming month likely will get hectic.  I also get a week off, but no pay ;3;. Anyways, till next update folks!

Update 3

Added lines of page 1~


Update 4

Added Lines of Page 2 ad 3~


Update 5

Added Flat color of pages 1 - 3!
Will be finishing up this soon, then onto Xmas! Thank you all for being so patient!


Update 6

Added Final Page 1~ 

I am using actual backgrounds made by the artists who work on the show, so credit to them for those~


Update 7

Added Final Page 2~

Alrighty, final stretch! Last page should be done tomorrow, and then it is onto the December Poll winner!


Update 8

Added Final Page!

And with that this Poll Winner has concluded!

Hopefully Blitzo is able to survive his month of Stolas Duty, but hey at least Stolas is enjoying their newfound personal time~

Thanks again for being patient folks, hope you enjoy this one, and hopefully this format of keeping everything in one post works better for everyone. 




Oooooh, very excited to see slim boys becoming huge~


Yeee, rewatching show and grabbing refs, Stolas (and a few others) are string beans lol. Very thin folk, which make it fun to exagerate them all bulked up