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Heya all, so we are now in the first week of the spooky month, and my goal is to get some things wrapped up from prior arrangements on my end. I have a trade I believe I shared the roughs of earlier in progress, so I shall be working to get that done as its a rather large project to squeeze in whilst working. So will be trying to get that in before the end of the month.

As for this months character poll, that will be occuring, though as it is halloween month, I want to try and get it done sooner than later methinks, and so my goal is to also first ask my patrons if you had any characters to consider on the poll this month. I have been using a rather general list, but wanted to see if folks had characters they would like to see that would also line up with me.

My want here is to keep it relatively contained, so no OC'S or the like, just looking for characters or monsters from various shows and games that folks would be interested in seeing transformed. Additionally as this is the spooky month I wanted to do a themed thing, so my thought was maybe classic movie monsters as a base vote, then character, then fetish, if that makes sense!

So it could be a werewolf Bowser with hyper proportions or something. If that sounds fun, please let me know, and also please throw character/ critter ideas below in this post. Once some characters are gathered, ill shuffle em into the poll, and off we go for the month!

Finally, commissions are on shakey ground at the moment. I would like to do 2 this month, but between the art trade, character poll, and general work schedule, im unsure If I'd be able to reasonably do so. That said Ill see where I get with the character poll and trade, and then should there be some time, Ill open a slot or two.

Until then, see you in a future update, and thank you as always for your support!



Cool, definitely have some ideas. Genuinely scary one: Zombie Bubsy (that bobcat who rose from the grave due to literal memes)x Cool one: Dragon Dracula (with how many connotations between dragons and Dracula, plus his werewolf form it’s kinda easy to see.)


Heh, Zombie Bubsy is indeed a scary one :p Thank you much for your suggestions!


Huh, neat well for monsters perhaps a digimon like Guilmon. Either that or a WereKobold, something that can be both thick and buff, yet scary.


Much appreciated! Always enjoyed many if the digimon designs, suprised I didn't have any on my list actually lol.