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Hello everyone. its probably pretty obvious that i didnt get as much done this month as i should have. i didnt get around to finishing the fanart poll drawings and i wasnt able to finish a few monthly rewards and commissions. obviously these are all still on my to-do list and i will hopefully get them done early next month. but i just would like to apologize for my lack of posting this month.

between car troubles, a car accident and plenty of doctor appointments and life events this has been a pretty hectic month and i really bit off more than i knew i would be able to accomplish. i try to keep to these monthly deadlines because thats the way patreon is formatted and this month i failed so i would like to apologize for that. 

as of now the list of unfinished art is:

1x $50 tier patreon reward

1x logo commission

1x sketch commission

2x full colour/shade commission

1x chel fanart poll drawing

2x bobbi fanart poll cosplay drawings

i may have to take on less work next month to have enough time to complete all of these which may just mean doing only one poll winner or taking in less commissions. obviously the bobbi comic has been on hold too and i am still planning to get back to it but for now this comes first.

so once again i am sorry for needing to make this post. and i truly appreciate all of your patience and support


Captain Flexican

Just keep healing. Most of us understand your situation. Your health is really important mentality and physically. Your good 👍