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Hello everyone! hope you are all having a good start to your December and remembering to dress warm!

Before i get to any updates id like to thank you all for your support this past year. 2016 has been a challenging year and without all of your help i dont think i would have been able to be where i am now! having your support has kept me driven to improving my art and i feel ive improved greatly from where i was a year or even a few months ago! support from patreon and commissions has also got me through some tight spots and has helped keep the rent paid and put food on the table. i would not have made it through this year in one piece without you all and i cant express how happy and grateful i am for your support!

that being said... i feel there is a lot more that I can do for YOU.

this month will obviously be a busy one so i wont have the time for the regular posts and comic pages so i will be taking a break from that to instead focus on the planning for the upcoming year. the comic left off at where i would consider to be the end of the first chapter. so i will be storyboarding and roughing out ideas for chapter 2 and on so the comic posts will come along more smoothly and the quality will be greater and more consistent.

i will still do this months fan art poll and hopefully a few holiday drawings of Bobbi (hopefully streamed too!) but expect these towards the end of the month.

for 2017 i hope to fit my schedule around doing art rather than the other way around which is how it has been. i want to ba able to stream more often and i may consider doing a second poll per month or something like that! i want to spent my time better and provide you guys with the content you want and deserve :)

i hope this sits alright with you and if not, let me know your concerns

if you have any questions or even ideas for what you would like to see from me in 2017 let me know in the comments!

thanks again everyone! 



Sounds good to me. Keep being awesome, Ruff!


I'm really glad that I'm helping. Creative fields are always so hard to make economically viable.