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hey everyone! i apologize for being absent on patreon for the past few months.  i took in a few more commissions that i could handle and had to shift my focus to that but i would like to focus more on patreon going forward!

regarding the bobbi comic, id like to continue with it where i left off but i plan to change it up a little bit because the current format is weekly pages and i tend to fall into a pattern where i am writing and drawing each page week to week. id instead like to divide the work into chapters and give periodic updates and release them as complete chapters, each being around 8-10 pages (this may change). i may change the patreon payment schedule to be "per chapter" instead of "per month". i may also start the comic from the beginning in this format because right now i think the pacing isnt good and i could get through plot faster this way.

let me know what you think about this plan! i also still plan on doing polls, and streams, and possibly other things depending on available time

thanks for your patience and continued support!