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Priscilla is nearly done! After my concerns about being unable to match or surpass what I still felt proud of in my former Priscilla piece i'm pleased to report that I feel like this new work, once completed, will represent a new personal high watermark.. i'm extremely excited to show everyone the finished article!


As an aside, commission slots for February are opening later this evening - In the event any patrons are interested in a slot,  I have two full illus/bust slots and 3 sketch slots available which won't be going public for another few hours, and i'd be happy to offer them ahead of time to anyone on the service here. Examples and prices from last month's commission thread can be found here.  

Just by supporting me as monthly patrons you have already done more than you can know to allow me to pursue the work I want to and become self-sufficient doing what I love, but I wanted to offer everyone here the chance if they were interested. I'll be doing an early warning like this via the Patreon from now on whenever i open monthly commissions, so if you miss a slot this time please keep an eye out!

Thank you so much everyone!

- Francine



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