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The origins of micros are both simple and complicated at the same time. Micros of all species hatch from eggs and those eggs come from plants called minispons. Minispons first appeared in ancient times and the first micros were seen as worshipers for macros. However, they were very rare, so it was only the elites who had them. Although this role granted them shelter, life was tough for micros. Many macros didn't think to feed them the milk their bodies had been producing as a result of their presence, so the micros were usually left with just table scraps and crumbs to eat. What made matters worse was that these self-proclaimed goddesses would only care for a micro as long as they could work. If a micro couldn't perform their worshiper tasks, they were often eaten to remind the remaining micros how insignificant they were in comparison. As a result of this lifestyle, micros went extinct. 

After a handful of centuries, minispons re-evolved back into the world. This time, however, things were different. These new micros often had at least one special ability such as being able to climb any surface, manipulating their body heat, throwing fire from their hands, the list goes on. These were to help micros' survival. However, the macros had also changed. While the micros were seen as worshipers again at first, macros started catching on that micros can be more than that. They were seen as pets to be taken care of and played with. This does not, however, mean that micros are entirely safe in this iteration of their lives. While this pet-centric mentality is the most common, there are still those who see them as only worshipers. What's worse is that some macros actually see them as pests or food.

While most macros blindly enjoy having micros around, some believe that for whatever reason, micros may have another extinction event as the minispon is rather hard to care for and while micros themselves are more common than before, the minispon is starting to get rare again. Many scientists are looking for alternative ways to create micros without the plant, but these artificial micros always come out inferior in one way or another. Some even come out unstable and painfully collapse into a tiny pile of mush. The preservation of the micros is a hard nut to crack, but you'll be learning more about that in another lore dump.


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