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It's been a while since we spoke last! I'll be honest when I say trying to do weekly videos again while also juggling preparing my Kickstarter campaign and pursuing my other creative endeavors has become quite challenging. Like Bilbo in The Fellowship of the Ring, I'm beginning to feel like butter spread over too much bread. I feel as though I'm in a bit of a transitional phase at the moment. I can definitely leverage an editor/camera assistant at this point, but am not financially confident enough to be able to pay them consistently. I imagine that if the Kickstarter goes well, I might be able to do it after that. Anyways, all this to say I'm sorry I've been inconsistent with the BTS post, but what have I done since our last post? 

Last time we discussed searching for a new office space for the youtube channel. Well, I can happily say that we found one and signed a lease! 

The space is divided into 3 rooms, and is 1400 sqft.

It has a little kitchenette which is great. As a painter, I need access to a sink pretty regularly, so I'm glad one comes in the unit.

It has no windows (great for filming - albeit depressing) save for 2 sky lights. 

The third room they have is unfinished, and will be where I store all the merch/unsightly items and tools that produce fumes like the 3D printer, and a possible laser cutter in the future. 

It has drop ceilings which is great for audio purposes. I've been wracking my brain on the best way to set everything up in terms of rigging my lights, mics, sets, etc. My head has been flooded with ways to further acoustically treat the space, dress up the various sets, and more. There have been a couple sleepless nights where I'm laying in bed and just thinking about all these details. It's exciting, but also stressful at the same time. I'm the kind of person who goes to any measure to make my process efficient. That means I want to absolutely nail every detail before I move all my stuff in so it's right the first time. The reality of it actually working out that way is slim, but I still want to try. Before we move in, we're getting the light covers switched and the walls painted so it feels less like an office space from the 80s.

Last we spoke, I finished up the table topper and we've got a few games in on it! Everything is working as planned, but I think I'd like to repaint it because it really didn't turn out the way I envisioned. This video actually set me back quite a bit in my schedule and is the reason I've been scrambling a lot lately.

I had to work a couple nights to finish painting this model and the video. The video came out Tuesday, but it was supposed to come out the prior Friday. I also recently finished another video that will come out this week that I finished up editing yesterday that I'll release to you guys today.

There's a lot going on with the Kickstarter campaign as well, so if you want to check out that, make sure you're subscribed to the mailing list: https://mailchi.mp/miniac/miniac-kickstarter

That's all for now. Don't forget to PAINT MORE MINIS! \m/



I know you said you where worried about spreading yourself thin! But it would be cool to see like the process of you designing and making your new sets! I loved the video you did with your current space and how it has evolved! Maybe it would be cool to get John involved or something! Just a suggestion though so no pressure!


Greatly look forward to see how you will utilize the new space... you will keep us in the loop, right?


Stoked for the new space. I'm sure your mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives right about now. Looking forward to the new content. I'm also ever so slightly jealous of all the space you have to work and play in, that 1400ft2 is bigger than the 1100ft2 shoe box my family and I (there's 4 of us) currently live in. 🤣🤣


Fuck yeah on the space — there’s nothing like an empty room to get the creative juices flowing. Super excited for this next step for you. And no stress on fewer BTS stuff — you’re in the crunch and we all understand what that takes for you at the moment. Whatever you have to do to stay sane while hitting your goals, brother


Hope the new place isnt too far from home ^^


Very exciting! Now what that office space really needs is a candle that wont stay standing... Very happy for you. Whatever video release schedule works to maintain a healthy work/life balance is good with me. Your vids are always worth the wait.


What a descriptive sentence! I'm incredibly thankful that my patrons allow me to afford such an amazing space.


Awesome 😊🤟🏻


Great space Scott! Happy for you. And you say you're spreading yourself a bit thin, scrambling a bit. We all enjoy your content, but don't forget to also take care of yourself! :)


Hey Scott you mention wanting more manpower behind you. I am willing to offer my amateur skills part time for the low low cost of you helping me get some experience. Work'd have to be remote but I am willing to do what I can in an editing suite. Message me here or on Discord RodarioOfCourse


Good shit, don't get burned out though. Something something sustainability.


yes, yes...all that advice that youtubers make videos about after the fact and then proceed to not listen to their own advice. I am very familiar, haha.
