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Dude....BTS POST #100! Shout out to the team that's been here since #1. Alright, let's get it on. Let's talk about A Song of Ice and Fire!

My buddy Curtis and I found time to get two more games of ASOIAF in. This time we were outside because the weather in MN has been beautiful the last couple of weeks. 

I finished up Nute from a previous stream and added him to my slowly growing collection of Greyjoy models!

I had my friends over for a hobby night yesterday and I started to paint Victarion Greyjoy.

I'm lovin' this hobby drive. Some fallout from the previous video I made about ASOIAF has resulted in me browsing this book.

I haven't finished it, but I love how they do line of sight. It's very clever. In the world of youtube videos, I've been working on a video about painting a 10mm vampire mini!

My biggest take away from this process was that I could scratch the itch of "high quality" painting without spending 25+ hrs on a paint job. This little guy took 4-5 hours and you could speed paint them even faster. It also has me interested in painting larger scale stuff now too! I suppose variety is good for everyone. My next video will be about the technique of recess shading, so look forward to that! Before I could paint this guy, however, I had to reconcile my 3D printing situation. I was having some problems with my resin and printer combination and was feeling a little defeated. Luckily, the people in the Atlas discord server helped me get set up.

We printed out several iterations of the "Amerilabs Tiny Town" which is a stress test for the resin 3D printer. Each section of this model tests a different element of design that one might encounter when 3D printing. Once everything was looking good after we adjusted some settings each time, I was ready to print my vampire, and it worked!

I was blown away by how detailed this tiny 10mm miniature was. There is definitely an improvement with a 4k resin printer, and possibly with this resin. I am unsure of that, however, because I've done no formal comparisons. Now onto some goodies.

Iwata sent me a motha fuggin' MICRON! That's their most expensive airbrush to date. They sent me the side-loading one. Other than that, I don't know if it differs from the gravity fed variety. I haven't tried it out yet, but I can't wait to crack it open. Alright, how about some camera woes?

I bought the rhino motorized slider which was a kit that cost thousands of dollars and I'm fairly disappointed with the package. I'm not going to go over every single problem I've had, but my most recent problem was a repeat of a past one. This time, however, I was able to open the device up to see the issue. The little plastic circle that retains the spinning bearing for the gear has broken. Because it's broken, the gear is skewed and thus skips a couple steps every now and then. This component is a focus motor. The teeth connect with teeth on my lens to change focus as it moves and because of this problem, I was unable to use it on various shots that I would've liked to use it on in my most recent video. Mildly frustrating!  That's all for now, but most importantly don't forget to PAINT MORE MINIS! \m/



Im so glad the vampire print worked out! (Justlegos here!) He looks amazing! Also lemme know how the micron is!! Ive been debating between it and a CR Infinity


Noice score in the Micron! Let us know how the other half lives!


Kill your Friends 2: A Song of Ice and Fire?


Will do, need to think of what I'd like to use it on first.... hmmm


Will do! Surprisingly, a tiny, functioning yacht also came in that box! 🤣


I would absolutely love to do that. I fear I don't have the time at the moment.

Michael S. Moran

Are you able to print a replacement part for the camera slider perhaps? Wicked job on those minis, that's a tiny terrifying vampire right there.


That micron is really interesting, curious to see what you think of it next to the HP CS or an infinity CR


I totally could 3D print something to fix this problem! 3D printing is a solution I all too often forget.