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What up, mini family?! This scifi building is turning into a bit of a nightmare as I battle against imperfect cuts and my lacking math skills. I'm slowly getting there, however. 

On top you have what will be the eventual garage for the scifi vehicles to enter into to get their repair work done. Below that is the office space that will be attached to it like so:

I am really happy with the ramp and a few other minor details but once all the major styrene parts are in place, I have a LOT of sanding, filling, and more sanding to do. After that's done, I'll toss on some greebs, some rivet details, and then I can finally paint it. I am being a little bit slower because I took a 2-day vacation to spend some time with friends in Wisconsin. We went to a museum called House on the Rock and aside from the enormous eclectic collection of literally anything, there were some cool miniature dioramas sculpted out of ivory. Amazing level of detail!

That's unfortunately it for now. Hopefully my next BTS post will be more exciting! PAINT MORE MINIS!



Aaron Bono

Honing those math skills is good for you buddy :-)


Slow and steady and all that happy horse shit? 😝


I feel the slow-down. Only painted 1 ork so far yesterday and may paint just 1 today 😪


The House on the Rock! I've wanted to go there since I read about it in American Gods. Sounds like a very weird place. That is a fucking wild sculpture.


That house of rock sculpt is unreal. Thinking about starting scenes/dioramas for my minis so looking forward to the next video. Math is for computers.