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What up, mini family?!

As per usual, I've been painting miniatures. I'm working on that video game centric video that I've discussed here previously. 

I am definitely taking my time with this paint job which was one thing I wanted to do with the change in my release schedule. From a technical aspect, I am enjoying the results I am getting with this model. As for an artistic aspect, namely the paint scheme, I'm not sure I'm convinced. I think the model will look more tied together when I have the cape and the weapon glued on and a few other elements painted but at the moment, the scheme seems a little strange. I am basing it off of the concept art for the character, but that's not really an excuse. 

One should be able to be inspired by a concept but also make it work simultaneously. I'm particularly happy with the richness in the NMM gold, I think it pops nicely. Painting all the silver NMM trim is quite a slog, but I'm grinding through it. The main body is almost done save for a few details and then it's onto the other 2 parts. 

As some of you know, I've been working on a wood elf kickstarter and it's...been a while to say the least. I've been working with Level 52 Studios, or Broken Anvil Miniatures since May 15th, 2020. At first, we transitioned to casting the Duchess with them and then they sculpted the model you see above. I also introduced the 3 wood elf designs to them early on in our relationship getting the sculpting started soon. My plan was to have this kickstarter nearly ready in Q1 of 2021. The problem with working with them was that they're their own miniature company. They have their own interests in mind, their own products to sell. As such, it's now March in 2021 and the 2nd wood elf still isn't finished being sculpted/prep'd for casting, and the 3rd isn't started. After numerous chats and pings about updates, I think it's time to move on. I have absolutely no hard feelings for Broken Anvil at all, but I need to look out for myself. Running a business isn't about sticking with someone because they're nice; you need to make choices that are best for your business. I've discovered a new caster out in England and am getting estimates on costs for what it would cost to cast the Duchess. The only thing they do is casting for various clients, they have no product to sell or kickstarters to run, it's going to be good. Great news, they also do distribution which means cheaper shipping to UK and possibly EU people! I also found a different sculptor, not that Daniel Fernandez isn't talented (the guy who sculpted the first wood elf), but I found a freelancer who has industry experience and has availability. The result? The model was finished in 1 week. ONE. WEEK. *sigh*

Here's the concept to jog your memory.

With only a few tweaks to go, Victor capture the character of this concept almost immediately. I am truly stunned with how easy this was. Now I just need to have an awkward conversation with Level 52 Studios. In other news, my wife has been hard at work maintaining all the shipping and looking great while doing it! (don't tell her I shared this image!)

That's all for now, don't forget to PAINT MORE MINIS!




Stunning elf mini again, guess sometimes changing things up really gives you a different perspective! Also is that concept art for another mini? Oh no, it's a photo of your hard-working spouse <3


Awesome! Love the guy with daggers! Its someting with him that Spears to me


Progression! Don't hang yourself up too much with splitting with level 52 too much Bossman. Like you said, it's business.

Wesley Walser

The blends on Fayde are absolutely stunning. Really fantastic work. I think the highs on the NMM on her shoulder look distinctly different from the highs on her breast. The latter is more "convincing" gold IMO. > The result? The model was finished in 1 week. ONE. WEEK. *sigh* 🎉 unfortunate that it took a while to figure out, but really fantastic that you've found a way to move this along.


Freaking amazing the blends Papa Scott! And marvelous progress as always! <3


Scott, I feel its wrong what I imagine doing to her, especially when I stare at her toned lilac legs. Thats the problem you gave me....I cant stop staring! Smooth as **** pants brother. But it doesn't stop here....scrolling up her waist, the plush magenta armour fades in and out, following the curves of her ventral waves. The light circumventing around her cosmic belly, pinging her NMM Silver at every crescent layer....I really should keep going up from here (not even to the eyes yet) but I am going to bgood ;) Leave it for wonders sake :0 Absolutely love this character! You painted her perfect Miniac. Thank you for sharing!