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Let me know what you guys think. I'm not going to exclusively make content like this. I just always enjoy experimenting with format and I was up for the challenge of making 5 videos in 5 days.


(No title)



I really like it! I think should be good to have some of these "Behind the scenes" o "Vlogs" to give a more variety to the channel, specially the dog shots hehe. Also... MOOOOODD BOOOOOARDSS


Really liked this vlog Scott. This is good stuff to give to us that are patreon supporters 😊👍🏻


I'm really glad you liked it! I wasn't sure if it was going to be good at all 😂


This is great content. Nice change, to shake the routine up, we get to see Amber a bit more and also see your cool dogs. Looking forward the next vlogs.


Really enjoyed it. Looks like a chill life.


This was great!


I mainly subscribed to see your doggos! 🤣


I'm digging it. It's a nice break in usual programming with some cool insights! Looking forward to another one


That was a lot of fun. It's looking like I'll be putting more content on YouTube this year which isn't something I really anticipated, so appreciate the insight.


cool vid! great to see your work flow and maybe it will dispel a lot of misconceptions when it comes to "content creators" by showing all that is going into creating videos. also doggo rating 11/10 <3


Is it bad that this video made me want to play Dota more than it made me want to paint minis?


This was cool to see. Something else I'd love to see would be you just browsing the net and hunting down cool minis and how you go about getting ideas, inspiration and source objects for dioramas etc. It would be great to see the places you routinely look through e.g. Spira Mirabilis, Blacksmith Miniatures etc. But maybe that's just me lol

Aaron Bono

Day 1, Hours Painting: 0 - love how you give us a peek behind the curtain.


Nice vlog. What kind of table is that fold-up thing you have? Around 3:50


It is always interesting to get a glimpse of daily life. Glad to see that I"m not the only one that takes dog breaks. One diff, my dogs bully me into paying them attention.


Sweet, Great to have you back! Your Duchess mailings reminded me.... i need to start over on mine... any tips on paint removal..... :(


How long has the paint been on? Also, can you just paint over it?


I'm into it!


I liked the dog, I liked the grey thumb. I'm (almost) impressed that you did the clean up in one day without getting distracted ; man I could use some help in that department! I'll watch the next 4 days if only to see how much variety there is in your work week. Cheers.


Part of the reason I was able to stay focused was because there was a camera running! To be honest about my work week, I planned a bunch of interesting stuff to make it look more exciting than it really is. Some weeks I'll edit for 5 days straight, sometimes I'll paint for 3, edit for 2, etc.


It's a coffee board game table that I made! You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIgNcU_Djg0


I like it, reminds me of Jazza daily Vlog but more in-depth and better edited


It's a fun format for something different. And it's cool to see what you're working on, that collab sounds cool!