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Time for the classic end of year video that no one asked for where I talk some stats, answer some questions, and read some meanie comments. If you have any questions about the channel or myself, let me know!



definetely my fav video of every year !


Do you play Dungeons and Dragons and if so what edition? What edition is your favorite? Also, if you do play D&D what is your favorite class? Finally do you like painting things that would be D&D related?


When can we buy a glass of Scott's moist saliva for our painting needs!?


Is there a direct correlation between eating paint and slaying the grey?


What do you plan to do differently next year to promote a more inclusive community?


When you first started painting what was the first technique you had difficulty learning? (highlighting, wet blending, etc.)


Did you ever have a moment where you wanted to quit? If so, how did you overcome it?


Did you ever finish the weekend challenge army with Ninjon you didn't finish?


Who's a good boi?


Is there a particular scifi or fantasy movie or franchise that doesn't have minis that you would really like to see miniatures for?


How do you keep your life from spiraling out of control, due to your destructive tendy habit?


You said earlier this year that you were having trouble getting videos out every week and I super appreciate the high quality production value! However, when you want to fill in the gaps, why not occasionally put out a video where you paint something for fun with minimal post production. E.g. 5 minute video of a Time lapse of painting some cool model, no commentary and just set over some music. It'd be cool to see what you paint when you're not putting together a tutorial, but also not have to put in tons of effort that takes away from other videos.


I asked Squidmar this as well but, How do you stay on top of painting when/if you feel you are/your painting is stagnant? How do you stay motivated to push yourself when it is hard to be impressed by yourself or happy with what you have painted when the online platform showcases so many better painters?

Aaron Bono

How often do you use nice brushes versus crappy cheap brushes? and how do you make sure to keep those nice brushes nice? I only use crappy brushes right now because I'm so hard on them and I destroy them so quickly, I have a few really nice brushes from squidmar that I'm afraid to touch. How do I get past this fear?

Aaron Bono

My wife likes to paint with me but she complains that the paint dries in the brush too quickly and she ruins brushes. If we water it down it runs and is hard to control. I got glaze medium but the bottle says it dries fast which is not what we're after. I gave her a wet palette but she's not convinced it helps much, I think it keeps the paint from drying fast on the pallet but doesn't help the brush much. What advice do you have?


Dear Scott, IF you could buy GW and redirect in an instant people's love from Space Marines to another model, which one would that be ?! You can only choose one model as a replacement from the GW universe and keep in mind that the internet would be flooded with "FAST & EASY WAY OF PAINTING xxxxx" :P cheers


You are currently one of the top YouTube-ers for miniature painting. Where do you see yourself in 5 years and how will you create the pathway to get there?


I think I'd like to make a podcast episode on racial diversity in models. It's been a scary topic, but one that I really want to do.


I've had moments where I ask myself if life would've been easier if I was still a software engineer, but I've never wanted to full-send quit being a youtuber. I overcome these moments by reminding myself of how insanely unfulfilled and bored I was sitting at a desk 40hrs a week.


"How do you stay on top of painting when/if you feel you are/your painting is stagnant?" I've always wanted to try this but never have: find a painter you admire and pick one of their paint jobs. Buy the exact same model they painted and try to replicate the paint job as best as you can. Do research on their technique and see if you can apply their process to the model. You might find things you like about their approach that you'll artistically borrow from time to time. "How do you stay motivated to push yourself when it is hard to be impressed by yourself or happy with what you have painted when the online platform showcases so many better painters? " I'm not sure if I have the best answer to this, because while I'm well aware that there are better painters than me in the world, it still doesn't effect my own process. Maybe reduce your IG/FB time, maybe mentally label models as "test/practice" models to reduce the pressure, I'm not sure.


Wet palettes absolutely help, and if they don't you're likely using them incorrectly, check out this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYVP469_KJ0 When you water paint down, it dries more quickly! This happens because the paint spreads out more, increasing it's surface area which then increases its capacity for moisture evaporation. For your brush, try painting with bigger brushes. Mini painters have a tendency to use tiny brushes which means less material which means it dries even faster. You might notice that paint doesn't dry has much when you're basecoating compared to when you're doing eyes and that's because you have so much more paint on your bristles while basecoating. Consider loading your brush up with more paint as long as it doesn't effect your accuracy.


Yup. Definitely assuming that filming and not much post production would be an easy thing. Of course everything takes time. I was looking at other channels (non miniature hobby related) and noticing that they put out occasional short simple videos interspersed with their bigger ones. Was trying to think of a way that you could do something similar in between bigger projects. Of course simple isn't always actually simple. But it's an idea to possibly build off of and I figured it was worth throwing out there. Thanks for the response Scott!

David Kraytsberg

Heya Scott, You’ve said before that you dont “enjoy” most of the painting process. Do you think there are any changes you could make for yourself to change this? Thanks for the vids man.


I think this could be an official challenge. Can the Miniac paint a mini and put out a video within an 8-10 hour time span? There may be a lot to be learned from the results.