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What up mini family?! Long time, no see. Since the last BTS post, people here in the US celebrated Thanksgiving, so I've been slowly easing in and out of that, but I'm happy to say that I'm back on my feet at feel productivity. Recently, I've been involved in a few live events.

Last Friday, I was part of the NOCF fall charity raffle where we announced the winners of all the armies the miniac viewers painted, we talked about the charities, we talked about all the armies, and everything. If you want to check it out, you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKWm4adQETw

I also got to wear a fancy tie, so obviously I was into it. Next after that, I was on the Shrine of Chaos show with Dave from Miniwargaming, a channel that has been around making miniature painting content for 10+ years. It was a lot of fun, and Dave and I related a lot over our mutual interest in the miniature hobby and film making. You can see that here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/831291092

Dave also let me scream my outro at the end! After that, I had to work on my own show! I had Jon over and we recorded an episode of the podcast that will air on December 14th.

Beyond that, I've been working with Terrible Kids Stuff to make a video sponsoring their new KS. The date for when that KS was coming out has kind of been bouncing around a little. I started work on a different video,  and then had to come back to this one to finish it up for their KS. In the course of the video, I painted this little guy.

He's an entirely black and white character where I focused on using texture and finish to differentiate each part of the model as opposed to leaning on color like I often do. I had a lot of fun making this video. In the past, I tend to have fun ideas and shrug them off telling myself "I don't have time to try out this new thing", but now, I do! I tried out some different visual things in the video, and my favorite was the shot from below a piece of glass. 

In this shot a piece of glass is on top of 2 folding chairs with my camera on a sandbag below. The white sheet is there to act as bounce lighting. I don't have any lights that can get this low (without being an inconvenience), so in order to have some soft lighting I bounced my little LEDs off of this white PVC sheet. If I just used the little LEDs straight up, it might seem a little too harshly light. I then piled paints on top of the glass and had fun. I couldn't resist making a couple faces. 

I think I'm beginning to realize where my videos fall short after finishing this one. I think I move through information too quickly. I think I need to bring up a problem, offer a solution, and then review that solution. Too often am I saying things that are "nice to knows", but aren't driving toward a solution for any problem that was said, if that makes sense. TL;DR too much extra info, not enough restating the problem/thesis. It's funny how things you learn in high school about writing essays can come back to haunt you. Now that this video is done, I'm onto something really special. Let's say I won't be doing much painting, it's full steam ahead on a big edit. Can't wait to show you guys one of the next vids!





From this post I'm stuck at "beginning to realize where my videos fall short". LOL your videos are THE best on youtube in this community man. And I have no intention to pat your back. The effort you put in each time can be seen and at least for me your vids are 3 levels above what everyone else does. Moreover, Im pretty sure Ninas, Lenz etc often call for advice and the fact that their quality is getting better has to do with you being close to them.


I really appreciate the sentiment! I suppose the reason I'm being self critical was a lesson I learned in a book I read earlier this year. In order to be happy doing this job, I need to, at least somewhat, be self centered. What I mean by that is that I'm competing with myself and trying to do better. The reason for this is because I can get really upset with analytics, numbers, "success", etc. on youtube if I'm comparing myself to others so I just try to do my thing and get better at it over time.


Your a champ Scott personally assisted me on a few of my projects as I've gotten into the hobby past couple years. Super nice guy and im sure alot of people see that and will continue to see that and support your work. Keep kicking ass man and thanks again for taking the time to respond to my questions over the years!