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What up, mini family!? Sorry about the late post, I got carried away with the video I was finishing. If you haven't seen it yet, you can right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIC_ZuUfTOw
I was painting this bust:

In this process, I was experimenting with a method wherein you apply thick, opaque layers of paint first, and then blend them together with an airbrush. I still have a lot to learn with this technique, but this was an interesting start. 

As I was painting this model, I found myself really enjoying it but I was faced with a dilemma. This video is sponsored and the thing I'm advertising is a Kickstarter which is only around for a little bit. This means that my video needs to come out in a time frame that works to get them sales. That's totally normal, that's how it works. I just found myself wishing I had more time to paint this thing to make it better! I would've loved to freehand some tattoos on his body, or I had an idea of having grass growing out of his actual torso like nature is consuming him or something. This video was a bit of strange one because this has been in the works for several months meaning I accepted it before I had changed up the way my video schedule worked. Their KS kept getting delayed because Big Child Creative had a lot of their own projects going on so they were unable to sculpt/cast these models on time. All in all it was a learning lesson for myself. Kickstarters are a great resource for sponsored content, but it comes with a time limit attached so maybe I should plan for extra painting time before the launch of the KS. 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this in a previous BTS post, but recently I've moved my photography and videography setup to the workshop where you've seen me work on my various carpentry projects. 

While I love carpentry, I have too many hobbies so I decided to sacrifice this space for the sake of YouTube efficiency. Now whenever I need to shoot something or photography something I don't have to break out a backdrop and move a bunch of stuff around. This space isn't very comfortable or organized at the minute, but it'll get better over time. I moved my big Intellytech LC-120 light in here for these shots, which means I no longer have a light to light up the backdrop of my YouTube set or to act as a "hair light". So, I picked up a couple more intellytech lights but this time a different type.

So far in my YouTube career I've only dealt with large LED array panels. These lights are also LEDs, but only 1 giant LED fixed with a fresnel lens to direct the light into a beam. This is helpful for a number of reasons like if you want a harsher, more directed light, you can achieve that but you can also diffuse it and make it a large source if you want as well. I have two of them that I'll attach to my ceiling rig. One to be a permanent hair light for myself, and another to give the back ground some fill light. 

Where are we at with the Fayde character? Well, let me tell you! Level 52 sent me the 3D print of the Fayde model.

I am amped to have this thing in front of me physically, but there was a slight problem with the model. They primed it before sending it to me, which is something not normal for miniatures, but very normal for the statue world that Level 52 has lived in for so long. Either way, we discovered that they put the model in the mail too soon after priming it, and it developed this texture.

It's not that big of a deal on 90% of the model, but on the face it obscured a lot of the wonderful detail that David Fernandez worked hard on. Luckily for me, Chris from Level 52 is such an awesome person and he 3D printed/cleaned another one and sent it my way. I'm really excited for this video.

Lastly, if you didn't know already, there's a livestream planned today on youtube for 1PM CST. You can find the link and add to your reminders here if you'd like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir-UqqWF98U

That's all for now. PAINT MORE MINIS! 


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