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What up, mini family?! 

I think I mentioned last week about operation "convert your normal friends into miniature war gamers". That operation has progressed further! Part of the hobby is creating lists for your various armies/teams. This part can be a little bit daunting at first so I took it upon myself to make lists for my friends. I figured while I accomplished that, I could also flex some of my Adobe inDesign skills to create a really nice double sided reference guide to be used while playing. Here's an example of one:

The idea is that you have all the information you need (save for how to play the game of Kill Team) right next to you while playing. Most of this stuff you memorize after a few games, but it's handy for those first few so you're not diving through multiple rulebooks and whatnot. I created these by first using the command-roster builder on GW's site, and then modifying it heavily. In the end, it would've just made more sense to make a document from scratch but I wanted to "save time" (I totally saved 0 time). I then had the squad over for a 2nd hobby night to start working on their teams! 

I also began to assemble my squad and finished my Sister Superior, Pious Vorne, my sister with the Simulacrum Imperialis, and the HEAVY FLAMER \m/ It was a good time, and I can't wait to start painting with these guys.

In the world of streaming, I picked up this new piece of kit.

This essentially is a fancy macro keyboard meaning it allows me to assign various complex functions to each button for ease of access. For instance, if I wanted a button that ended my stream, re-muxed the VOD from mkv to mp4, and then started uploading it to youtube, I could probably script a key to do that. I like the idea of this because streamlining processes is something that was ingrained into me as a software engineer. Lastly, let's talk about a big robot boi.

I busted this converted renegade knight titan out of his dusty grave in my closet of shame and am now finishing it. This is the last commission I have left and I'm excited to finish it up! I added some spikey bits (heh) to the top of him because the actual kit has those details, and I added a banner/loin cloth because, again, the actual kit has this detail. I also had a lot of fun making a crushed wall on his base! 

I need to slap some rubble on it, but you can see the general idea! That's all for now! 

<3 Scott



damn you're playing KT with seth everman?


Have fun with that Streamdeck - very good even for us non-streaming people ... soooo much functionality!


Bro this is awesome to see!! The KillTeam sheets are a great idea, I wanna introduce some family to warcry over Xmas so that idea could be useful! Glad to see the last commission under way too!


Could those KT sheets be a fillable PDF?


The way I have it formatted at the moment, no unfortunately. Each of the kill teams I did it for we're also very different in the amount of people, weapons, and rules I had to list


With an eliminator in the mix are you playing elites, if so, you have 125pts avaliable, could throw in another member of the squad.


Not playing elites, didn't want to complicate an already complicated game with expansions 😂


Awesome 🤘🏻 I really like Kill Team, my favorit GW game 😊 I would really like a link to that command roster pdf doc 😄👌🏻


Do you want a link to the one I modified or the tool on GW's website to make the initial doc?


The one you modified please 😊