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What up, mini family?!

As most of you probably know already, I spent most of the 2nd half of last week and monday this week finishing up my Tau commission and creating the video for it. I also created an extended version of the video that includes more painting video that will publish tomorrow at 12PM CST for everyone to watch, so stay tuned for that!

Next after that it was onto the next video. I'm going to visit my sister in NYC this coming Thursday - Tuesday so I needed a video I could finish fast. I thought to myself "what's something that's extremely click bait and easy to do?" answer: speed painting space marines! 

Each of these puppies took between 35-45 minutes. This does not include the assembly, base construction, or painting the base, just slapping paint on the model itself. I had some fun with the editing on this video, which will be out tomorrow for $5+ patrons.

That's all for now, hope you guys enjoy the extended video and the speed painting one!!




You know me so well. I love click-bait speed painted space marines!