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What up, mini family?! It's been a while since we chatted because I forgot to do this post last week and it wasn't for a lack of stuff going on, I just forgot....anyways! Last week I did a lot of video editing. As you might know, I painted a NMM subject and shot video of the entire process. The process was around 2.5hrs long so I cut up the whole timeline and then sped up the painting parts by 150% while trying to keep the audio consistent with what was going on with the painting. It was pretty labor intensive so that video took longer to edit than I thought. After that, I got rocking on my Creature Caster sponsored video.

Here's the current state of affairs. It's a challenging video. I can spend 20-30hrs painting a 32mm figure. I'm trying to do the same for a 80mm tall monster with massive wings. I'm having to cut a lot of corners to be able to paint/edit this video in the time I've allotted for myself. We'll see how it turns out! VAMPIRE UPDATE! I met with Pete from Creature Caster and he has updated my 3D design.

The biggest change is that it's no longer 20+ pieces, but a manageable amount! Also, the face was changed and appears more feminine now. Some wrinkles were removed and some more reshaping. There were quite a few adjustments made by Pete due to his knowledge with how the casting process works. For instance, he thickened the rapier to make sure there were no voids in the cast, but also lengthened it to still make it seem slender. I am indebted to Pete imparting his knowledge on me. It's been great working with these guys. 

We also tossed out a poll for a few names for the podcast as Jon and I plan on continuing it because the response was really positive. 

Looks like "Trapped Under Plastic" is winning. Names are hard for me to be happy with. I'm not even fully happy with "Miniac", but I'm a firm believer in names becoming something greater over time as legacy builds, so I think we'll stick with it. I've started to contact various artists to create assets for the podcast like logos/mascots etc. 

Lastly, as I alluded to in a past video I want to teach physical classes with the vampire miniature. My plan is to do a few courses in the midwest sometime this year and in Q1 of 2020, go on a west-coast tour with Jon to teach some classes! We're very excited and we're knee deep in the planning phase. One of my patron's wives who is an incredibly capable business woman is making sure we cross all our t's and dot all our i's. Seriously, the intuition she has is insane and you'll be hearing more about her and the process as time goes on. Right now, she is working on organization, travel, and budget, jon is working on where to host the classes (the actual locations) and I am working on creating the digital coursework that the class will be based on (when I get the miniature). We have a lot of work to do, but I can tell I am collaborating with very capable people so I am excited! 




Hey Scott, I probably missed it but: will the vampire be done in resin?


Are you planning on making the Vamp available outside of the classes? It's looking super sweet.


Absolutely! It will be sold normally, and then in a bundle with a digital class, and a physical class.


It would be great if you did a class in Seattle!!


super improvement by creature caster


Love it. I'm in for a Minneapolis class.


Good to hear your making waves dude. Love your content, The podcast was great. I think trapped under plastic is a little weak. I think I like deafening roar as a name way more, It seemed more genuine.


A lot of people had a lot of opinions about all the names, the poll was quite divided, which makes me more apprehensive. At some point I just need to go with something!


If you tour California, please come near Fresno.


I am so happy to see your dream comming to life sir, there are too many that give up too early. You truly do inspire and motivate new painters like myself. Keep up all the amazing work man, and let me know if you are going to be in the Missouri region at all.


the vampire mini is looking great! can't wait till shes done so i can get one, if they become available.