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What up mini family?!

I keep forgetting to do the BTS post! I think I'm having a hard time remembering because the past 3 weeks I had to do the podcast so remembering to do that Monday, the normal video Friday, and this Wednesday...my brain just couldn't take it! 

Vampire update! Pete from Creature Caster has begun making modifications on the vampire and said we will start casting before the end of this month! Hooty hoo!! 

Kill Your Friends Update! Jon and I have been hard at work preparing our Guildball teams for June 22nd. 

Jon recently finished up Seasoned Spigot and is now working on Seasoned Brisket! I've recently been working on my new captain, Mourn:

Jon and I also got together recently to start to practice Guildball together. My train of thought is that if we can play a few games, we'll air out 95% of the "guildball gotchas" and rule issues. What I mean by "gotchas" are decisions that players would make that are one-time mistakes. Neither Jon or I want to win because of some funky strategy or rule that we just didn't know about. We want a competitive, close game! 

In this game, I managed to win 12-10, that's pretty dang close! He played very well for a first timer; I'm a little scared to see what happens when he gets a few games under his belt. As many of you know, I recently finished painting up a Thor conversion:

The video however, performed excruciatingly poorly which was a real shame because the conversion was quite some work and I did a few fancy advertising moves that I don't normally do for videos. I'm not sure why this video did so poorly, I'd appreciate any insight from you guys. This video set me back a full week in my release schedule, so since finishing it, I've been just editing. I had backlogged 2 videos that I'd recorded mostly everything for, so instead of working on new projects I just finished those up and as of today I'm officially back on track. That's all for now, don't forget to PAINT MORE MINIS! 



I didn't watch the Thor video yet, but once I did I'll let ya know why it could have done poorly. Maybe it's just a Mini people are not interested in?


To me it honestly wasn’t the video or the mini. It might’ve just been the title. I shoot/edit videos for a channel that has 500k+ subscribers and you’d be surprised in how much the title and tags of a video make or break it. I wonder what the stats would have been if it had Endgame in the title. Or “Avengers Endgame Thor Miniature Conversion”. Either way YouTube is a strange fickle thing that often makes no logical sense in why videos perform better than others. I hope you don’t take its performance as a slight against your content. Your stuff is great and it’s only getting better. Can’t wait to see what’s to come!


I don’t think there was much wrong with the video itself. Sucks that it didn’t do very well. I was really impressed by the weapon creation for the conversion. Maybe it’s just an off week for the YouTube world.

Jon Bius

Face it. It was the tiny head! The tiny head! And those giant biceps. :D Got me man... I enjoyed it.


I watched the video, but I do think that the mini was a very poor one. The conversion work is cool, but the mini itself is not something I wanted to paint the way i did shazam. I did love the base for it though.


I saw the video highlighted several times on my YT feed, but the main reason I didn't click into it was because honestly it wasn't a Warhammer mini. Good luck with every future video :)