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What up mini family?!

I think I missed a week for doing the BTS post, I'm sorry about that! A lot has happened since I wrote a post. In the 5 days before Adepticon I shot and edited 3 videos (top 5 favorite painters, homecoming pt7, shazam), obviously painted Shazam as well, and finished my entry for Crystal Brush. It was a wild ride. Lots of NOS energy drinks were consumed! I'm happy to say that I finished my Crystal Brush entry and it made final cut at Adepticon, which you already knew! So, what happened at Adepticon? 

Jon and I took a class where we built gothic terrain. It was pretty fun, but we thought it was going to be aimed more at making display bases v.s. making gaming terrain. After that, we took a class with Ben Komets painting up his "Wizard of Agni" bust.

It was a fun look inside Ben's story driven process for painting. He had us name our character, come up with a back story, the environment of where they were, etc. to influence the paint job. My wizard's name was Mulloch and his family died recently and he was exploring the dark arts of necromancy to bring them back! I wanted him to look grief stricken and ill. 

We even got Jon a picture with the man himself! We had a fun miniac hangout as well!

It was a lot of fun to meet people at Adepticon. It was very mentally healthy for me to hear from people how my videos help them. Someone told me they watched my videos to deal with PTSD which was extremely humbling. Experiences like this are always amazing. Beyond that we did a lot of relaxing, and meeting with people. After the rush of Crystal Brush I didn't want to do a whole lot of hobbying so we mostly played games and mingled. Ran into this guy:

In the end, my figure didn't place in the Single Figure category, which I was pretty bummed about at the time. I'm not a mentally mature competitive painter so it's very difficult for me to remove myself from the project. This was something that Rafa was coaching me on 2 years prior at Adepticon in 2017. It just comes with time and experience. Jon won first place in his Creature Caster competition though!! I also met a sweet company at Adepticon that may be able to help with manufacturing miniatures in the future. They're an extremely new company, but the tech they're working with is really cool:  https://artifactminiatures.com/  They won't  be able to help with the vampire, but hopefully we can collaborate on a future project. For casting for the vampire, I have connections with Creature Caster and Big Child Creative, two very large companies, that are interested in helping out.

So I got back from Adepticon and the hustle doesn't stop! I got working on my next video, which will be based on the popular show Game of Thrones. 

I painted up Jon Snow for a video and it will be out this Friday! That's all for now, team. I'm staying busy and I hope you are too with painting them minis! 




Damn Scott, Jon Snow looks wicked good. Also, thanks for the fun time at Adepticon, was seriously great meeting you and Jon.


It was super fun meeting you guys!


It was also great to meet you! Loved hearing about your dirty AoS strats


Great job with the competition. A lot of lessons learned that takes you that mutch moore close to future success! ☺ 👍🏻 I agree with what you right about what others told you about your inpact on them. I support you because your videos helped me when I was down. I'm just getting out of 2 years of big burnout and total crasch... Im a military man and, well a lot of things came back to bit me en the a**. So... I can really understand the person that said that you and the hobby helped them with PTSD... Keep on painting thous minis, I will 🤘🏻😁


Wish I could have been there, sounds like a great time. Thanks for all the entertaining videos and advice on Discord!


Should say entertaining and educational ;) lol