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What up, mini family!?

AHHHHHHHHH CRYSTAL BRUUUSH! I'm losing my mind painting non-stop with all my free time. It may seem like I have more than enough time to do it, but I have to work on a sponsored video for Miniature Market this coming Friday, and I leave for Adepticon next Wednesday. That gives me until Friday, and then any remaining time I have after I finish the sponsored video before next Wednesday. That's not a lot!! If I was a responsible adult, I'd probably just wait until next year, but I like to set goals and stick to those goals, so I'm sprinting for the finish line! The base is pretty much done being painted at this point. I'm planning on adding some cobwebs, maybe a few more edge highlights, and then cleaning up the sides of the plinth so they're black.

I started on the miniature itself and I'm grinding away at the white cloth dress. It's a tedious process trying to paint the highlights and shadows keeping in mind that there are 3 individual fires started around her, but I'm managing OK. 

I got another t-shirt concept in the works. I had the idea to have a decapitated head that was bleeding on the ground, and the river of blood spelled the words "paint more minis". I got in contact with an illustrator I follow on instagram that goes by the name of "defame" to do the job. Coincidentally, he knew about warhammer and asked if I wanted the head to be a "eldar, tyranid, human, etc" and I thought...could we do a space marine? 

Hell yes we can! Hopefully this is legally distinct enough to not attract the gaze of the great legal beast of GW. And yes, that is his spine attached to this head still. Ali got back to me about how the 3D sculpt for our vampire is shaping up.

He sent along this rough sketch to ask if the pose looked good. Looks pretty spot on to the illustration, so I gave him the green flag to start detailing! In other news, I kind of feel bad about skipping a week for videos. So, I think when I sit down to record the next part in the Crystal Brush series, I'll record a quick video like "my favorite painters in 2019" and use that to pad my release schedule. I'm afraid of what might happen to my metrics if I skip a week. That's all for now!





Your Crystal Brush entry is looking AWESOME! I'm curious to see how the 3 light sources change things. Good luck getting it done in time!


Hang in there! Looks awesome 🤘🏻 And I love the Vampyre model


Doing great! Keep it up!


Looking good man!


That base is looking awesome!


Oh man this is looking fantastic Scott! Keep up the great work. Also, LOVE the t-shirt design. That'd be an insta-buy for me if you started selling it. :)