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Hi mini family! 

I know I said I wasn't going to post this week, but things are happening that you might be interested in hearing about, so I figured I'd do it anyways! Tatiana finished up the vampire concept with some color!

It's great, I'm really excited for the mini! I got the concept sent over to Ali Jalali and he said the sculpt will take 1 - 2 months to finish. I'll be sending along his WIPs as he sends them to me (I asked him to send a bunch). 

This Saturday Jon is coming over and we're going to batch out 3 episodes of "Deafening Roar" the podcast! I've got a little "jingle" I recorded for the podcast attached to this post that you can give a listen (warning: probably should turn it down before playing). This will make up "season 0" or the test season of the podcast to see if there's interest. I asked on my YouTube community about where to upload the podcast, and it seems a fair number of people prefer it to be other places than just YouTube for the preliminary test. So, I'll be putting these first couple episodes on Youtube, Soundcloud, and Spotify. I'm not fully setting it up like a normal podcast might be set up because this is supposed to be a test. I don't want to invest all the time at this point. While Jon is at my house, we'll also shoot another episode of Drunk Mini painting! I like this idea, and did it once before and want to continue doing it! If you didn't see the original episode, you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at2n-I5kJKU
I want this episode to be the early release, so early release will be a little late this week because we're shooting on Saturday. It shouldn't be a hard video to edit, however, so hopefully I'll finish it up Sunday/Monday.

What's the deal with going full time? It's hard to know what my consistent monthly take away is. Amazon associates, and sponsorships are fairly inconsistent. My hope is that I will be able to do it in June of this year. Since acquiring a CPA, my single-member LLC has now applied for S-Corp status. It is my understanding that this will allow for more tax breaks at the expense of a more complicated way of doing business. I will need to pay myself paychecks from now on, which is a little goofy, and possibly other differences. 

In regards to Kill Your Friends, I purchased the last remaining equipment: 4x128GB SD cards for all 4 cameras, 25mm f/1.7 lens, hdmi multiviewer so my camera guy can watch all 4 feeds from 1 location, and hdmi cables for all the cameras. June 22nd is coming up and I'm excited to do this. It's been a long time coming! I think we'll do Shadespire, based on your guys' feedback. That's all for now folks!





Sounds awesome 🤘🏻 🤯


How do we get our little hands on one of these minis that you are designing? I would love to paint her!


It'll be for sale when it's done! I'm not sure when that'll be, however.