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What up, mini family?!

By the time you'll be reading this, I'll be in Hawaii! This past week has been about hustling to work on my Crystal Brush Entry. 

I did a lot of hair sculpting, and smoothing out gaps between limbs, chopped some wood up, made up some fire with cotton swabs, pva glue/water, and acrylic gel medium. I also got started on some floaty hair being caused by the fire below. Also, to give a better idea on how the lighting is going to work, I started to undercoat the base (a little bit too early). My current feelings about this piece are "you're in over your head, you're gonna fail", which is a good place to be if you're wanting to learn, and I'm always wanting to learn! 

Otherwise, we set a date for the production of episode 0 of Kill Your Friends: June 22nd. It'll be me and Jon playing a skirmish war game. We're not sure which one yet, maybe you can help us decide? Which would you like to see more: Guildball, Malifaux, Infinity, Kill Team, Warhammer Underworlds, or Necromunda? My preference is Underworlds, Necromunda, or Guildball! 

Tatiana hit me up with a few more concepts:

Absolutely choice. I gave her some feedback on the armor. I sent her this picture of the Red Duke, which I should've included in the moodboard originally.

I like how the armor has spines in it, it's vampiric for me. So she made a small adjustment.

To be honest, I think I like the other one a little bit more, but I'm unsure. What do you think? She sent along another concept of the back and I think I'm starting to warm up to the armor some more!

I have an idea for a t-shirt concept where you interpret the phrase "Plastic crack" literally. Here are the two initial designs from another artist.

I think I like sketch B the most. Thoughts? We'll be skipping next week's BTS as I'll have nothing to report because of the vacation. Hope you are all doing great!





I like the first beatrice best, the extra shoulder thingies are cool. On the 2nd set I'm not your target audience, really not my style. Have a great vacation and stop going on discord and start drinking more cocktails!


Second vampire lady picture, sketch B and I would like to see Warhammer Underworlds. Have a nice vacation!


sketch B and I like the new armor. as far as the game.. I have not played any, but guildball sounds fun.


I like the new armor design as well. For games, I'd like to see Necromunda or Malifaux.

Matty Thunders

I like the first armor better, and that concept art is frickin' amazing. Not too sure about the second set though.


Love both vampire concepts! Not a fan of the shirt. Would love to see either Underworlds or Guild ball 👍 Hope you have an awesome Holiday 🤘


Hey Scott, have a great trip and don't forget to wear sunscreen. I love where Sunday School is going, it's amazing! I'm quite floored that you assemble it all before painting! Will you break it down some or she's going to be painted in place? Either of those armour schemes on the vampiric tart are awesome! I'm not a big fan of the shirt, either.


More ridges are nice to demonstrate/practice edge highlighting and washing. We get that with the skirt, but not as fine as the new armor. That said, maybe you could demo NMM with the less textured armor version?


I'd like to see Infinity, Guildball or Shadespire on the first Episode! As for the Vampire, I like the original sketch best, and for the crack sketch B would be my favourite, though I'm not sure if I'd buy such a shirt. Enjoy Hawaii!

Josh Whitehurst

Would love to see some Kill Team or Malifaux. I like sketch B better too, I’m down with the armour, just another thing to paint in terms of texture. Have fun in Hawaii!


GuildBall is my vote. Been thinking of picking it up but want to see it in action.


I also vote for GuildBall. About to start painting my first team.