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What up, mini family?!
This week has been a weird week. I haven't done a lot of hobbying, but I feel like I've got a lot done. I've progressed more on my Crystal Brush entry. I'm not super enthused about doing it, but I'm grinding through it. I filled in the gaps in the joints, did the first pass on the hair, and attached her to the cross.

How about another Kill Your Friends update? First day of production will be in June! I've got a camera man lined up. I still need someone to monitor sound, I need to pick a game we're going to play, paint a team for that game, and I need to purchase a few other pieces of gear. I picked up some more stuff for the set.

I'd like to drink beer with the guest on the show, and I found these felt coasters that match the chairs! My plan is also to make some dice boxes that have a red interior and a white exterior to match the chairs from last week. I also landed some sponsorships this week, 2 dedicated videos. I've had this idea for a long time where I paint a model in conjunction with a theatrical release to get more views because of the "social media buzz" surrounding the theatrical release. I did it once with Aquaman and will do it again with Shazam. Miniature Market is going to sponsor the Shazam video after pitching the idea to them! It's a pretty popular online retailer for minis. 

Creature caster also got in touch with me to do a sponsored video about reviewing their paint range and painting one of their monsters. They sent me 2 x "Lady of Torment". The painted one I do for a video will go to a patron, and I think I'll give away the other unpainted way to a viewer on youtube. She's big and amazing! Multiple options for weapons and heads and 100mm tall approximately. It's nuts! 

This past weekend I also taught my first ever private lesson with one of my patrons, Matt! 

We were painting a high elf lore master because I though that Matt wanted to learn NMM and OSL. Unfortunately, I wasted his time as he only wanted to learn OSL and we spent the entire class on NMM because it's a tricky subject. That taught me the importance of communication. Matt also gave me some great feedback that I will use going forward should I choose to do more private lessons. We started with some inspiration photos.

and got this far in about 7 hours...

Next, what about the vampire concept for the miniature? Tatiana sent me an update on fleshing out the face of the concept, and boy do I love it! 

Next, I met with another patron, Todd, who is an incredibly talented letter press printing artist. He does business cards, packaging, etc. You can see all his incredible work here: http://www.angelbomb.com/ We're working out a collaboration where he prints some business cards for me in exchange for working on a video together about "How a Miniature Painter Gets into Garage Kits/Big Robots", which is obviously a working title. Here's a WIP of the business card. I like how it's not a conventional size, but how it's also small. I'm a miniature painter after all, so it makes sense that my business card is miniature! 

Todd will also be employed most likely to help with the packaging for the vampire miniature! Finally (I think?) I met with a CPA who is great and meets my needs. So i'll be meeting with him to figure out taxes. I'm excited to have a solid, professional service to cover that as I was concerned about doing it incorrectly. Now I can just not worry about it and worry about doing videos. That's all for now, team. I love y'all.
Dang it, I knew I was forgetting something. I added two new web pages to my website. A page that talks about all the hobby gear I recommend and cites all the relevant videos. You can see that here: https://miniac.bigcartel.com/gear 
And I also made a web page to accompany and upcoming video. The webpage is on how you can support the Miniac channel, both freely and not freely. You can see that here: https://miniac.bigcartel.com/support 
The video that this is going to accompany this script basically goes over this information and also explains where I'm at. I've been laboring over this script to make sure I don't sound like I'm begging, or trying to start up the pity party. I'd love your thoughts on it. You can see it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/108dUyjfsHv30T_BVQzYkU8mKHxgJqVs-7-VEAjIS4BA/edit?usp=sharing


Matty Thunders

Thoughts on the script - I would cut out the part about it feeling like begging. I think people understand that producing content costs time and money. I don't think that anyone will feel like you are begging, unless you tell them that *you* feel like you're begging.


Thank you for the shout-out Scott! Though I do letterpress printing, not screen printing. I'll check out your script and video later when I get a chance. It was great to talk shop with you the other night and help a brother like you out. We all gotta support each other in our hobbies and dreams!!


I think the script looks good and I'd agree with Matty. I think as long as your upfront with your viewers, and you are, keep talking support because that's how you're going to get it. It's not begging, you're all good there. And besides, you can't please everyone. Keep it up, my man!!


Hey Scott, I just wanted to say to not feel bad or worry about the "begging" video - You're pushing out a lot of content and putting in the time and many of your viewers would love to be able to help but never think about it. It's surprising how so often even I will watch someone's videos and they'll say "subscribe" and I'll randomly realize I'm not subscribed. Same thing with pausing an adblocker or joining a Patreon.