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What up, mini family?!

Sorry for missing the BTS post last week, I'm sprinting to catch up with my release schedule and I'm happy to say that I'm on track to finish a video for this Friday! That means I'll be one full week ahead. So what's been going on?

First I worked on the skit that you've already seen. I recorded it in my workshop because I imagine thugs bringing victims to blue collar work areas that are abandoned. That's a thing, right? I had a lot of fun with this skit and tried to make it seem like there was an actual conversation going on with one character interrupting the other, and lots of L-cuts and J-cuts to make the flow good. You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t62wL0tKCSQ

Next I cleaned up my work area and started to figure out a permanent way to light a photography setup and remembered that I had a huge 32" china ball, so I busted it out and rigged it up on a boom arm. 

I figured if I wanted to do do PDFs I needed to come up with a clinical way to take photos of the minis so that they showed everything. There can't be any natural highlights or shadows from the light, it needs to be flat; so a massive diffused ball of light should do the trick on a white background.

The image is pretty crispy if I do say so myself. Next, I started to paint aqua man in anticipation of the movie coming out next Friday. I've never timed a release of a video with any kind of social event. The idea is is  that there will be traffic on social media because of the movie, and some cross traffic may land on the video.

I went for a mashup of the original character and the one portrayed in the movie by Jason Momoa. What do you guys think of the end result? Hopefully the video will be out by Friday for y'all to watch! 

That's all for now, PAINT MORE MINIS!



Looks really good. I have 2 small questions: 1. Will you do a video on your photography set up and how you process your pictures? and 2. If coated with enough varnish, could the aquaman mini be placed in an aquarium?


I've done 5 videos on photography! I hope that covers everything. I'm not sure. Maybe you could encase him in a brick of resin and he'd be protected, maybe that's overboard.


Hey Scott, thanks for the BTS post, great read. I would be really interested in your own critique of the Aquaman model you have just painted! I am by no means an experienced painter and would like to know how you think it looks. Personally I think the gold armour, the green leggings and the purple rock look amazing! really good!!! Would really love to know your thoughts.


My biggest problem is probably the legs. They distract too much from the upper body and face. Also, I didn't like how the face turned out, but I'm not necessarily sure how to fix that.


Can you kitbash some dreds?


Maybe at some point in the future, but being not the biggest fan of space marines doesn't bode well for a drednaught video!
