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What up mini family?! Long time, no see. That's entirely my fault. So is the fact that the early release videos aren't coming out on time. Let's back it up and explain what's going on. In October, I struggled to get those 2 larger videos out on time setting me back a full week on my production schedule. For the first two weeks I was behind but then I had Jon come in and help with a video which put me about 2 days behind. So at this point, I was almost caught up and we're smack dab in the middle of November which is Thanksgiving time. I had a decision to make. I was about 50% done with the airbrush video at this point (the one you saw today if you're a early release patron). I had a few days until I was going home for holiday, so I would be away from my PC from Thursday-Sunday, four whole days away from the editing den. I decided I would call an audible and try to film a whole video to edit in those few short days before holiday, so that's what I did. My intent was to edit those videos on my laptop while at my parent's house. I recorded a video about speed painting; trying 2 different methods. I timed each so I could compare what sort of investment gets you what sort of result.

 I also took intermediate photos of the process and made a PDF out of it, which you  guys have already seen. I then left for holiday and.....well what can I say. I found very little time to edit and basically finished 10% of the video. So, now I have 2 videos partially done; go me! I came back on Sunday and got to work on the airbrush video and finally finished it up on Thursday, 4 days later. 

So, now I can just work on the speed painting video and catch up again, right? Sadly, not. Frontier Wargaming got in contact with me again and wanted to do another sponsorship and they want it to release on December 7th, next Friday!! That means I need to start on it right now. It's an idea I pitched them early on where I try to build a mobile painting box to compare with theirs. That means more carpentry!! Luckily, it's much easier this time.

I already got some materials in for it. Some kaizen foam, pluck foam, and elastic bands, exciting! Once I finish this video, I have plans for an aqua man video to coincide with the release of the new movie on the 12th of December...

...and THEN I can finally catch up. So much to say! All while this is going on, I have to ship a very large amount of merch that you guys so graciously purchased! 

I think once I sell out of my merch, I'll switch to something like teespring so I don't have to fulfill all these shipments because it takes a while to manage it. 

Well, that was a lot of information, how about some more? I went a little crazy on Black Friday:

I bought a GH5, a battery grip, a half cage, a rossette style left handed grip...

...and a crazy T/0.95 cine lens. Additionally before that I also bought a Ninja V recorder, which you can see pictured above. This rig looks ridiculous, and it is ridiculous. The only time something like this would be useful would be at an event like adepticon. The lens I purchased for a wedding I'm shooting that will be very dark, hence the super low aperture. The Ninja V recorder is mostly for shooting to a codec that allows for easier editing, and also a higher quality output. Speaking of higher quality output, I also picked up a color checker chart. 

This stupidly expensive piece of plastic is an industry standard chart that allows me to get dead accurate colors in video with the assistance of a plugin. I haven't yet leveraged it, but rest assure I will once I figure out how to use the plugin. 

I also bought  another GH4 used, which puts me at 4 cameras. That means I have enough  cameras to shoot Kill Your Friends! I still need some more gear, not much, but some, and then production can start. Thank you for your support, it means a lot. 





That is a ridiculous amount of Panasonic Gear Scott :D But I'm looking forward to the Kill Your Friends videos - when you think the first one will come out?


I'm not sure sadly :( there seems to be endless work for that series yet