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What up, mini family?! 

I'm a few days late here on the BTS post. Sorry about that. I've been hustling to finish this Primer comparison video. It came right down to the wire and I finished the video Thursday night, started the export and went to sleep. I then woke up Friday to discover that Premiere Pro has uploaded my video publicly and over 2,000 people have already seen it. Talk about an alarm clock!

Premiere Pro didn't magically upload my video, it has a publisher that can publish to all sorts of sites, YouTube being one of them. I set it up to publish to YouTube as unlisted, and very clearly it was not unlisted. I've tested this feature in the past and it has worked or failed for whatever reason, but it's never done this. I did just update to a newer version of Premiere however, and Premiere is NOTORIOUS for having a ton of bugs in their new versions. Last time I'm uploading a video with this software when I'm not conscious. Doesn't mean I can take back the 2,000+ views and comments that already occurred on the video!

Anyways, over the last week I've been conducting a LOT of experiments on 11 brands of primer to find one that comes out on top. After all my tests, which you can see here: https://imgur.com/a/my8uMec (too many to upload to patreon) the results were a little strange. A lot of brands had very similar results but differed in only one area, which was how glossy/matte they were. There were some outliers, both good and bad however, that allowed me to make an informed decision, but it reminded me of the fact that primer isn't something magical that's going to revolutionize the way you paint miniatures. They are all pretty similar, and the one you have already is probably good enough. 

As stated in the last BTS post, the videos in the first 2 weeks of November will all not be early release videos. On the second week of November, or near it, you will get a double upload, two videos in one week. One will go public (paint brush comparison) and another will go early release for you guys and then I'll be back on track! Thank you for your patience. 



Nice! Testing like this is really tricky to do on such a small scale, well done. Q: what was the difference between vallejo #1 and #2 for adhesion? Cause #1 is a good example of near total adhesion failure.


I'm not entirely sure what happened between #1 and #2. #1 was so bad that it was a fluke, so I redid it. I didn't change anything to my knowledge, however.