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What up mini family!?

The table is SO close to being done. It's all I've been working on in my waking hours. 

Last I left you I was assembling the legs of the table and their aprons. They are now fully together and slot in quite nicely with the table. I failed to explain how I did the joinery though, so let's go over that.

I created a jig that placed my dado in the same position on all 4 of my legs. I then used a router bit with a follower bearing to route out all of the material. Finally, I used a chisel to square off the ends. This was probably one of the smoothest processes during the table build. No issues, just slotted together nicely. Yay! Next was more routing! 

Next I had to remove a part of the apron on the table so that it was flush with the 1/4" side (this would be the top side when the table is folded up in its' 3'x4' configuration). I first removed the bulk of the material with my jigsaw, and then busted out the flush trim bit again and routed it flush and knocked off the corners with a chisel. Lots of chips! 

Here's a picture of it after much trial and tribulation. I struggled a lot with getting the hinges to work, but I can finally say that it works nicely. Whether or not these hinges can actually hold up the weight of the table is another story entirely, but the two halves open and close without any interference. Yay! So what's next? Next I need to disassemble it, and then sand and apply a varnish to everything. Then I'll make the video and publish it ASAP. 

A good question would be: "Scott, a reward for patrons is getting videos 1 week early. How are you going to catch up with that schedule?" Well, I'm calling in backup for the month of November. Jon is going to help me with one of my videos, so him and I working in parallel will get us back on track! Sorry about any inconvenience in not delivering the patron rewards, I'm almost through with this table! 





Did enjoy the video and the table looks great!