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Hey guys and gals,

I use the technique of glazing quite often in my videos and I think it's high time to create a technique video for it. I want to test a lot of different glazing scenarios, but I need your help coming up with more things to consider! Here's my list:

1. Glazing with inks

2. Glazing with acrylics

3. Adding a shadow with glazing

4. Hiding a transition between various colors

  - white & black (maximum brightness contrast)

  - red & green (maximum color contrast)

  - blue & green (something easier

5. metallic paint + ink/acrylic

6. Glazing with Light colors (white, off white, etc.) 

Any other scenario I should test?



Glazing with The Blood of Your Enemies


Glazing using different mediums; it seems every tutorial I see uses a different one! Now I know it's all mainly preference and familiarity, it would be cool to see them side by side.


I would like to see glazing used to show a light source as well as shadows. Like how to glaze over existing paint to make it look like it is being hit with a light source that is a different colour


Like osl I presume? This might be it's own video topic, one that I have planned! It certainly uses glazing, but some other, non technique related info needs to be considered


OSL glazing would be good. Personally I find glazing light colours to be the hardest to do well (it's already on your list) . Any insight will be greatly appreciated.


The thing I'm interested in, on this subject, is how and what to think about when selecting which parts that should get glaz on it and what parts should not. What I mean is, how can I use this to get different effects, by glazing on some parts and not others (using something that gives it/outher parts matt finish). Hope you understand what Im after with this 😅🤘🏻


I would like to see what's needed to make things look like glass, I am sure this is a basic technique, but it may go into how you blend the colors together to give a transition across the lens.


Yes, that would be good. I have a couple of WWII figures to paint that have goggles and don't know how to start on the glass parts