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Here's some less fun news. According to Patreon's terms and conditions, giveaways for reward tiers are no longer allowed in an attempt to be in accordance with United States gambling laws. I can still give my miniatures away, but it can no longer be chance based. So, I'm looking for some ideas.  Instead of luck based, I imagine a merit based reward would be OK, but what kind of merit? Coolest miniature painted in a certain timeline? Cutest animal pictures submitted? I don't want to put the burden on you guys so much to deliver something in order to win a mini, that doesn't seem like much of a "reward". Let me know!



Would making the raffle in Europe avoid the issue? ;P


Just going through the list of patreons?


Quippiest quip!


Do something like a name the mini *contest* and the winner is ((not randomly)) chosen from the comments


Just do it like a Boss and select the winner like a King on the Throne! If people complain, just refer to them as dirty, unwashed peasants and be about your business.


Wow, my comment didn’t get posted :/ I just wanted to say that I kinda like the idea of small competitions for rewards but it probably would mean much more work for you...man just when I thought I actually could win something 😂


What about a contest for the prettiest tone of green in which you are the unique judge :-P


I suggest arbitrary summary judgment without explanation. You can then privately base that decision on what ever you decide. I suggest a random selection from a list.


I vote best person named Rob, at least then I'm still in the running... But tbh, having goofy rando competitions (quick, easy things to submit to, modelwork related or not) would be kind of a neat idea. Of course, organized contests for painting/modelwork/etc would still be fun too. Also, I originally read the title of this as "Waffles are no longer allowed" and was trying to figure out why Patreon was so invested in controlling my breakfast...


Assuming you don't want to open up your giveaways to the general public I think you just have choose a person to win something base on some unknown criteria, but not randomly? I am struggling with this too on my Patreon. Is it permissible to give your patrons extra entries into a giveaway that is open to the public? That way they have a better chance of winning but it is still open to all? Another thought I had was to give people X number of entries based on how many places they share your giveaway on social media? Or go with the Rob idea. I am good with that too.


I think it comes down to wording: 1. "I will randomly select a winner" not ok 2. "I will select a winner" ok I'll test the waters with this.


You can always just 'randomly select a winner' behind closed doors...but OFFICIALLY be just....'hey Scott picked a winner!'


I would go with funniest reply of the month/quater