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Holy calamity, scream insanity! When I started patreon in January I had never anticipated for it to grow this quickly. I am amazed at your guys' support and generosity. My lack of foresight is clearly evident in my inability to accomplish the first goal I had set out to accomplish, the "Kill Your Friends" series. Permit me to explain what is going on with that series. 

If you've been following along with patreon a while back, I said I took a carpentry course at a local high school with the intent to build a gaming table to use for this series. Well, I did take that class, and all I was able to accomplish in the short 4 x 2 hr long classes was milling my lumber, and cutting it length and width. I have all the building blocks for my table in my basement currently and am having trouble trying to find the time to finish the dang thing! So this is what I'm going to do:

I'm going to be a little lenient with my 1 week release schedule in October for 2 specific reasons:

1. I have a really fun video planned for Halloween that I've been "working" on for 2 years now. By "working" I mean I started it 2 years ago, and have not touched it since but it will be a lot of work to finish and I'm excited to finish it.

2. I will finish building the board game table so we can move along with the production of "Kill Your Friends"! 

My idea for KYF is that it would be like Tabletop on Geek & Sundry but for miniature war games, and a little more adult focused (beer, and the effects of beer). So this means multi-camera, nice set dressing, a crew of people working camera, audio, making sure we get the rules right, and the kitchen sink. I love the production of video, and this series is an excuse for me to go all out and buy more camera gear (don't tell my wife). 

This is my plan, what do you guys think? 



Sounds fantastic! Been loving your work of late. The idea of a more "adult" setting seems desirable to me.


You’re welcome!


This sounds awesome. It's quite the ambitious project. I'm excited to see it come to fruition :)


And I'm excited to deliver on it! I don't want to be the kind of person that promises things that I can't accomplish. I've done it enough on YouTube with promising series that I can't finish. Thank you for your patience with me, Taylor!


I like the sound of this; I really enjoyed the series you did on building your painting table, so seeing the gaming table build should be equally entertaining. Are you planning to do some traditional board game stuff with the KYF series, or stick to primarily tabletop-wargame-minis-centric games?


Well deserved, man. Frankly I enjoy all of it, from techniques to skits to interviews and everything in between. So if you think it'll be cool, then I trust you 👍🏻


Didn't I watch video of you making a table?


Thanks for the feedback, Rob! I think I want to stick to mostly board games that have miniatures because that seems to be on topic with what I do now, but who knows what the future holds. I love board games off all shapes and sizes!


Yeah, I took it apart. It was not stable and we didn't have the space for it long term in the basement.


Make the magic Scott. You been putting out good work. I can personally say that I feel, I have grown as a miniature painter with your help and the community here. If it's going to be like adult Table Top, even better. I got into Dungeon and Dragons because of them, and that started me painting. After that, I found your channel. So full circle I'd say lol.


Hah! It all comes around! Thanks for the kind words, Paul.


Awesome 🤘🏻


Hey Scott, just discovered your videos and immediately thought your sense of humour was mega AND your skill level is top notch. I've never supported anyone on Patreon before but think you are massively deserving of every penny my man. Keep up the insane content brother.


Hey Karl! I'm honored to be getting your support, my dude. I'll try to keep the videos coming!