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With the 1 video a week schedule I'm finding it very difficult to actually paint miniatures for videos (and indeed paint miniatures at all). I've always liked having the entire painting process in a single video, as a opposed to breaking it up, but for the sake of having videos on the channel wherein I actually paint miniatures would you be opposed to having like a 2-3 part video series of a single miniature? 



what if it were one video but you were adamant about placing timestamps for certain parts of it? I'm seeing that format more often and I'm starting to like it!


definetly a yes for Minipainting Videos. It's what i miss the most since Twitch was abandoned. The Thoughts that go with each part of thePaining and the Techniques you come up with or use. Perhaps use it as an Advantage: Paint a Mini as a "series" and when you hit some point where you think: that is special ... you could do a technique Video for it. So When you come to the paint where you ask yourself "how DO i paint leather ? " while painting the mini -> Leather Painting Video (dunno if that would be worth it but perhaps a "Texture" Video :) )